vai a Psychologists Working for Change

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seeks like-minded psychologists and others to help create a society better able to meet human needs and bring about social justice. We want to change society's unacceptable status quo and bring about a better world.

And we want to change the status quo of psychology, too. We challenge psychology's traditional focus on minor reform, because enhancing human welfare demands fundamental social change instead. Moreover, psychology itself has too often oppressed people rather than liberated them.

View the Journal of Radical Psychology's New Issue at!

International Conference of Critical Psychology

"Contesting conflict, challenging consensus"
27th-31st August 2003.

PsySR Twentieth Anniversary Conference on Social Responsibility in the Twenty-First Century

RadPsyNet began in 1993 when two dozen people attended a conversation hour at an American Psychological Association convention. The topic: "Will Psychology Pay Attention to its Own Radical Critics?"

We now have about 300 members in almost three dozen countries--psychologists & nonpsychologists, academics & practitioners, faculty & students, therapists & consumers-survivors. Many call themselves "radicals," or "critical psychologists," or "progressives." We don't demand a single definition. But we do share the goals noted above.

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