Mihov Mail Sender

Semplice ma efficiente

(setup 328 Kb)

OE-QUOTE FIX (setup 421 Kb)

OE-QuoteFix colors messages according to the level of quoting automatically as you view them from within Outlook Express (all colors are adjustable).

No more messy quoting in messages you send (see example above)

The quoting is fixed automatically and requires no user-interaction whatsoever. All you have to do is work with Outlook Express as you normally would.

Quoting of Quoted-Printable, Base64 and even HTML messages is finally possible.

All quote characters can be standardized, i.e. converted to your preferred quote character.

Compressed Indentation, which many users probably prefer, is possible: >>>> This is indentation level 4 with compressed indentation
> > > > This is indentation level 4 without compressed indentation

The quote headers can be modified.
You can either keep the standard header, Mail:
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Smith" <smith@nowhere.net>
To: "Dominik Jain" <djain@gmx.net>
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: OE-QuoteFix Test
"John Smith" <smith@nowhere.net> wrote in message
reduce it to a short and clean header, John Smith wrote:
John Smith <smith@nowhere.net> wrote:
define your own header, or remove it altogether!

OE-QuoteFix allows you to move your signature to the bottom, i.e. below the quoted message

The sender's signature can be stripped on reply

Get RFC compliant signatures at all times by using the ISO-8859-x signature fix (relevant for OE versions prior to 6.00.2800.1123)

OE-QuoteFix can reformat messages you receive from others as you view them in Outlook Express

Empty lines at the beginning and end of the quoted message are removed.

When editing messages, the cursor can be either moved to the top or bottom of the message (above the signature).

When viewing messages, OE-QuoteFix can show implied font styles in the intended way, i.e. *bold* will become bold, _underlined_ will become underlined and /italics/ will become italics.

OE-QuoteFix can show plain-text emoticons/smilies using images (fully customizable).

OE-QuoteFix allows you to use random signatures

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