E-mail creations (.zip 406 Kb)
This is an e-mail program that creates an HTML document for sending an e-mail with picture and music backgrounds.
Unlike other e-mail programs, the picture is Table based making it compatible with Hotmail and other Web E-mail Services that do not allow Image backgrounds.
Based on the HTML code used by E-Mail Creations, the background images will also display in Hotmail, which they don't if you use Outlook Express to create your HTML mail.
The program offers a simplistic interface, much like a web form, that allows you to type your message, select the images, background color, font styles and more.
Also included is a basic address book and identity selection and a preview of your finished message. E-Mail Creations includes an SMTP sending engine, so no additional email program is needed to send your message.

Sylpheed-Claws (.exe 3444)

Sylpheed-Claws is an open source e-mail client and newsreader with an interface similar to Outlook Express and loaded with many useful features.

In addition to all the standard email features, it offers advanced filtering options to sort your incoming mail or to delete spam automatically (based on your settings).

Additional features include spell checking, colored signatures, customizable toolbars, automated mail checking (with preview and selective download), message templates, message redirection and much more.

Sylpheed-Claws supports multiple accounts and also includes an XML based address book. The program is easy to use, however lacks documentation and many of the features are rather complex and more suited for intermediate to advanced user.

Il freeware è riservato ai Cittadini di
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Quando esce il form, inserisci Id e Password
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