Akkademia di Psicopolis
OEGGO - The History

 In 1954 Lee Bradford facilitated the first T-group in continental Europe in Linz, Austria to introduce new ideas in organizational developement and the T-group to Europe. The event was organized by corporate consultant Traugott Lindner.
 1955 Lindner was joined by three fellow Austrians to undergo a three month train the trainer for group dynamics facilitation in Bethel, after that they traveled the US to experience different styles of T-group facilitation.
 Over the next two decades Lindner built up the Hernstein Institute, which offered T-groups, mangement training and organizational developement courses.
 In the 60s more and more Austrians participated in T-group trainings provided by the EIT, which was formed as a network for group dynamics and organizational developement in Europe. After being trained by EIT they started working at the Hernstein Institute.
 In 1973 Austrian EIT members decided to form their own group dynamics organisation in Austria and the Austrian Society for Group Dynamics and Organizational Consulting was formed.
 In 1976 OEGGO members founded the first institute for group dynamics and philosophy in Europe at the University of Klagenfurt and the 70s saw a network of corporate consulting firms run by OEGGO members and a structured syllabus emerging within the OEGGO.
 The 80s and 90s saw a continuation of growth as well at the academic side of the institute of group dynamics and philosophy which inspired OEGGO members to offer T-groups in other universities around the country and the consulting firms made OEGGO the biggest network for group dynamics and organizational consulting in the German speaking countries.
 OEGGO remained a predominantely male ruled organisation although women members soon equaled the men, and it took a gender communication workshop in 1993 where a women caucus pushed the issue on the main agenda. Core principle was to serve as a selfreflective network of socially active members who are involved to help change society into more democratisation, building up, the 90s saw a continuation of equality and in 2000 Marlies Garbsch was elected the
second female president of OEGGO.

A-1025 Wien Postfach 40 Telefon +43-(0)1-256 65 60 E-Mail office@oeggo.at
Bankverbindung Erste Bank Konto Nr. 000 053 39 332 BLZ 20111