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Learning With Technology Profile Tool
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This profile tool will help you to compare your current instructional practices with a set of indicators for engaged learning and high-performance technology. For each category, there is a description of the indicators and examples that fall along a continuum. There are three examples for each indicator.

Select the example that best describes your current practice, even though it may not represent your instructional goals. You may select only one example for each indicator.

You may scroll back and change your responses. When you have worked your way through all of the indicators you will find a "Graph My Responses" button at the bottom of this document. Click the "Graph My Responses" button, and a graph of your responses will be displayed on the screen.

This activity can be done alone or as a group. You can profile one individual class, all of the classes that you teach, your department, your school, or your district.

This is not intended to be a rating of your skill or ability as a teacher, but rather as a tool to help you think through the kinds of activities you use to help your students learn. Use the graph to help clarify your thinking about what types of activities you would like to use more frequently in your classroom.

This activity frequently takes about 30 minutes to complete.

Indicators of Engaged Learning




Responsibility for Learning
Students take charge and are self-regulated learners. They define learning goals and problems that are meaningful to them and understand how specific activities relate to these goals. Students are also involved in setting and using standards of excellence to evaluate whether they have achieved their goals.


Students continually develop and refine learning and problem solving strategies. They apply and transfer knowledge to solve problems creatively.


Energized by Learning
Engaged learners derive excitement and pleasure from learning and are intrinsically motivated.


Students have and value the skills to work with others. They understand that learning is social, and they understand that many problems/issues have multiple points of view.




Tasks bear a close relationship to real world problems in the home and workplaces of today and tomorrow. They build on life experiences, require in-depth work, benefit from frequent collaboration, and are of relevance and interest to learner(s).


Tasks are complex and typically involve sustained amounts of time. Students must stretch their thinking and social skills in order to be successful.


Disciplines are wholly integrated in order to solve problems or address issues.




Assessments are meaningful, challenging experiences that involve presenting students with an authentic task, project, or investigation, and then observing, interviewing and/or examining their artifacts and presentations to assess what they actually know and can do.


Students and their teachers create the assessment criteria and/or tools so that they are meaningful and generate knowledge.


Seamless and Ongoing
Instruction and assessment are integrated; assessment of the process and products occurs throughout the instruction.




The course of instruction responds to student needs and interests, and students can make key decisions regarding their learning.


Students are encouraged to construct and produce knowledge in meaningful and deep ways. They solve problems, conduct meaningful inquiry, engage in reflection, and build a repertoire of effective strategies.




The school is conceptualized and designed as a learning community where students learn to work collaboratively.


Knowledge Building
Learning is made public so that the learner can get input from diverse perspectives and build on that knowledge.


Diversity and multiple perspectives are valued and utilized to build on the strengths of all students.




Groups are formed and reformed according to the purpose of instruction. Groups are formed based on common needs and interests, usually for short periods of time.


Groups are organized so that over time students have opportunities to learn from all other students.


Groups include males and females and a mix of cultures, learning styles, abilities, socioeconomic status, and ages in order to capitalize on the range of background knowledge and differing perspectives.




Teachers create opportunities for students to work collaboratively to solve problems, do authentic tasks, and share knowledge and responsibility.


Teachers help students to construct their own meaning by modeling, mediating, and coaching. They constantly adjust the level of information and support according to students' needs.


Teachers learn along with students, and students may serve as teachers.




Students discover concepts and connections and apply skills by interacting with the physical world, materials, technology, and other people. Often students are encouraged to jump into an open-ended activity in order to stimulate their curiosity, become familiar with the instructional materials, and formulate early understandings of the task.


Cognitive Apprentice
Students observe, apply, and refine through practice the thinking processes used by practitioners in specific content areas. They receive ongoing feedback on many aspects of a complex problem or skill.


In order to teach others, students must integrate and holistically represent what they have learned.


Students generate knowledge and products for themselves and the community which synthesize and integrate knowledge and skills.

Indicators of High-Performance Technology




Students and teachers are able to access rich resources within and beyond the school because the school is connected to these resources.


Technology is easily and readily available to all teachers and students and distributed throughout the school building.


Designed for Equitable Use
All students (not just those in gifted classes or magnet schools) should have access to technology tools.


Students use technology to actively communicate and collaborate in diverse ways.




Technology has the capacity to easily exchange data with, and connect to, other hardware and software in order to provide the greatest access for all students.


Open Architecture
Users can access a variety of peripheral devices.


Users can move from one format or program to another easily and without being aware of the move.




Users, within and beyond the local system, have the ability to add information resources.


Designed for User Contributions
Information, products, and services can be contributed to the system from multiple resources.


Designed for Collaborative Projects
Users can access programs to work in groups, build consensus, brainstorm, outline, develop plans, schedule meetings, and monitor and develop joint projects.




Access to Challenging Tools
The system is designed to provide access to tasks, data, and learning opportunities that stimulate thought and inquiry, including complex problems and cases, access to experts, peers, and other learners, rich media resources, and tools for interactive browsing, searching, and authoring.


Enables Learning by Doing
Users have the opportunity to plan, reflect, make decisions, experience the consequences of actions, change directions, and examine alternative solutions and assumptions.


Provides Guided Participation
Software tools provide the learner with appropriate assistance at the appropriate time. There are intelligent tools that help users work through a set of complex procedures with embedded questions, prompts, and coaches.




Effective Helps
Technology help is informative, clear, comprehensive, readily available, and context-specific.


User Friendly/User Control
Users can access tools, information resources, experiences, and opportunities on demand and use them to solve problems, make decisions, and create products.


Fast [speed]
Technology has a fast processing speed.


Available Training and Support
Quality training and support to use the technology as well as to solve problems is readily available locally and from remote locations.


Provides Just Enough Information, Just In Time
Users have easy access to as much information as they need at different levels of sophistication.




Diverse Tools
Students have opportunities to .use a wide range of generic and context-specific tools.


Media Use
Technology provides opportunities to use a variety of media.


Promotes Programming and Authoring
Technology provides tools that promote programming and authoring skills as part of authentic tasks.


Supports Project Design Skills
Technology provides tools that facilitate the development of skills related to project design and implementation.


You may use this box for your name, initials, or other information you would like to have appear on the page with the graph (Optional).

Click the "Graph My Responses" button to create a graph representing your answers. The data submitted to create this graph will become part of a database of information about how technology is being used in schools. No information is recorded except your responses. The database is completely anonymous.

Please read the NCREL privacy policy to learn how the information you send us will be used.

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