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Reversing Burnout
How to rekindle your passion for your work
By Christina Maslach & Michael P. Leiter

MARK IS EXHAUSTED.AS A COMMITTED enviromental activist, he logs hundreds of pro bono hours every year organizing rallies,circulating petitions,raising funds, lobbying legislators,and campaigning for like-minded politicians. And
that ’s not even his day job; Mark is also pursuing a full-time career to pay the bills.
“I ’m feeling totally overwhelmed by the immensity of the problems we face,” he says,,“but I keep pushing myself. It ’s like an anorexic getting thin.When you ’re an activist,you ’re never working hard enough.”
Lately,though,Mark ’s passion has been increasingly tainted with bitterness.“I sometimes look at the stuff I have to do and I get angry,” he says..“Like,why doesn ’t somebody else do some of it?Why is it just me ?” Mark is also disturbed to find him--
self muttering,“Oh,a pox on them ” when he thinks about the communities he is trying to help.“They don ’t want to save themselves,” he continues,,“so why should I go out of my way?”
Susan is also bitter.After five years as an emergency department physician at St.Joseph Hospital,she still feels left out of the tight-knit team of ER staff.“I need to be included in discussions about patients,diagnoses,and interventions,” she says,, “and I need a meaningful voice in decisions on medical practice in this ER.” Yet neither is happening..
The other doctors – all men – have extended their circle to include the ER nurses and assistants.But they don ’t seem to know what to do with Susan.Instead of treating her as their equal,they make important decisions without consulting her, disrespecting her status and abilities.
In turn,Susan doesn ’t know what to do with her male col leagues.“I can ’t get into the flirty banter that goes on between the male doctors and nurses,” says Susan..“That isn ’t the way I operate,and it doesn ’t go with my responsibilities as a doctor.”

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