Professor Eleanor Rosch
Dept of Psychology
University of California
Berkeley, California
Primary Knowing: When Perception Happens from the Whole Field
Interview with Professor Eleanor Rosch

  1. Learning To Read In A Single Day
  2. Categorization
  3. Becoming aware of a deeper journey
  4. Science Needs To Be Performed With The Mind Of Wisdom
  5. Source: The Heart Of The Heart
  6. When Perception Shifts to Happen from the Whole Field
  7. Transformation of Time and Space
  8. Heart Intelligence
  9. Personal Practices
  10. How Do You Connect To The Whole? “Through The Heart.”
  11. Wholeness and Living Sytems Theory
  12. Summary
  13. Bio
Complete Interview (Acrobat PDF Download) oppure scarica qui sotto .pdf 54 Kb

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