- John Suler, Ph.D. -

Department of Psychology
Rider University
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648
609-895-5430 - suler@voicenet.com

MINI BIO - I'm 40something, happily married to Debra Finnegan-Suler (also a clinical psychologist) and father to two daughters, Asia and Kira. My interests include writing, eastern philosophy, exercise, martial arts, piano, and the internet.

ACADEMIC STUFF - I received my bachelors degree in psychology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1977 and my doctorate in Clinical Psychology from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1982. After leaving sunny (I wish) Buffalo, I did a year internship in the Department of Psychiatry at the Hospital of the University of Connecticut. Here at Rider I teach the following courses:

  • Abnormal Psychology
  • Theories of Psychotherapy
  • Psychological Tests
  • Group Dynamics
  • States of Consciousness
  • Psychology of Religion

I also frequently sponsor Independent Study projects with students. My other professional activities include the practice of psychotherapy, web publishing, research on mental imagery and creativity, the psychology of cyberspace, and the relationship of eastern philosophy to western psychology.

WEB SITES - Over the past few years I have become intensely involved in the internet. I'm fascinated by cyberspace on two levels: how individuals and groups behave there, and the internet as a new medium for scholarly discourse and communication. I have created and continue to expand three comprehensive web sites:

    Teaching Clinical Psychology
    (a large collection of resources for teaching the above courses)

    The Psychology of Cyberspace
    (a hypertext book on how individuals and groups behave on the internet)

    Zen Stories to Tell Your Neighbors
    (an award winning site!)

Here are some links that will jump you to various pages of interest within my web sites:

My Vita
Publishing Online
Working and Playing with Dreams
The Vision Quest
Psychotherapy in Cyberspace
Eastern Philosophy and Psychology
"Madman" (a novel about a psychology intern)
Life at the Palace
Computer and Internet Addictions
The Psychology of Avatars

ETCETERA - As if all of the above wasn't enough to keep me busy, I'm also consulting editor for Behavior Online, a member of the editorial board of CyberPsychology and Behavior, an executive member of the International Society for Mental Health Online, editor of The Contemporary Media Forum for The Journal of Applied Psychoanalysis, consulting editor for The Journal of Virtual Environments, staff writer for Cybertowers Self-Help and Psychology Magazine, and host for the Life Online conference in Howard Rheingold's Brainstorm's Community. My work has been reported by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the BBC, the Chicago Sun Times, CNN, MSNBC, US News and World Report, NBC Nightly News, the APA Monitor, and The Chronicle of Higher Education.