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Books available from The Institute for Psychohistory

A library of professional books to further the discipline of psychohistory

Foundations of Psychohistory by Lloyd deMause
The book that started the revolution, containing all the basic writings of Lloyd deMause, Editor of The Journal of Psychohistory, from "The Evolution of Childhood" to "The Fetal Origins of History." Reuben Fine, author of A History of Psychoanalysis, said of this book "Neither history nor psychiatry can ever be the same again." $14.95 softcover, $34.95 hardbound.

Reagan's America by Lloyd deMause
The first clinical case study, month by month, of a nation's emotional life, revealing how America became hooked on ever-increasing amounts of borrowing and military build-up during the Manic Eighties. Termed by The Nation "the richest decoding of the impulses of our age." $23.95 hardbound.

The Emotional Life of Nations by Lloyd deMause
Combining original historical research with sound clinical analysis of the group-fantasies of nations, this 460-page book describes the hidden sources of history in evolving childrearing practices and how they affect the political life of each epoch.

Send check for total (plus $3.50 shipping) to The Institute for Psychohistory, 140 Riverside Drive, New York, New York 10024 or phone or fax with credit card number to (212) 799-2294.

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