Here are some of the links connected to the themes of humanitarian psychology. When you look at our site you could certainly become aware that our activities cover several different spheres : stress, traumas, problems of dependence, humanitarian work in the field, violence, management of NGO's, etc. The links that we list below reflect this diversity. If you find other links or suggest your own organization, send them to us at

NGOs supporting relief staffs
People in Aid
International fed. of red cross
(Danish red cross: psychological support)

ivillage: A depression overview with lots of information on the topic, alternative treatments (e.g. nutrition, exercise etc.), an action plan, a quiz (depression screening) and additional articles.
A site about depression (causes, types, facts) with links to related sites such as "treatment-for-depression", "symptoms-of-depression", "depression-and-anxiety".
New York University school of Medicine,Psychiatry: ODST is a preliminary screening test for depressive symptoms, designed to give a preliminary idea about the presence of mild to moderate depressive symptoms that indicate the need for an evaluation by a psychiatrist.
An extensive amount of information about depression including news, research and insights from experienced therapists.

The centre for crisis psychology: short overview and explanation of psychological debriefing, its aims and problems.
The British Psychological Society: A detailed report on psychological debriefing, containing its history, methods, development and current research on its effectiveness, techniques for its evaluation, related organisational issues etc.
Psychological service center : A quick guide (recommendations) for structured Psychological Debriefing following trauma as an effective treatment for PTSD.
The American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress Homepage, containing numerous articles on the topic, for example Debriefing the trauma team: taking care of your own.

PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
National center for PTSD, originally created for US veterans, as an educational resource, contains a variety of information (such as fact sheets, full text articles, and other online resources as well as information on assessment instruments).
Contains general information on PTSD symptoms & treatment and free on-line resources like a symptom checklist (screening test), a guide that provides more detailed information and helpful links.
The PTSD alliance site offers information on the topic; including statistics, risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.


38% of humanitarian staffs say having had
psychological problems during and after their mission

Psychological adjustment among returned overseas aid workers, by Deborah Lowell, University of Wales, 1999

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