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ezWebcar - per fare webtours e viaggi in coppia(.exe 492 Kb)


ezWebcar Extension is an Internet Explorer add-on that seamlessly integrates with your browser. Using ezWebcar you can go to any web site together with your friends. No matter where your browsing partners are located physically, you and them would see the same web page at the same time. ezWebcar extension provides you with browser integrated chat. You can chat with all of your browsing partners without loosing the context or having to switch between windows. Using ezWebcar extension you can attach notes to the website you are viewing currently and these notes will be displayed to you next time you visit the same site.

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Ti ricordiamo anche che nessuna comunità vive se tutti i suoi membri si limitano a prendere. Psicopolis si basa sullo scambio, quindi ogni tanto dai un tuo contributo: NON SOLDI ma un intervento sulle bacheche, oppure qualche materiale utile o una segnalazione interessante.
Attenzione, se trovi il server occupato, riprova in orari diversi. Se hai difficoltà a scaricare o ricevi un file corrotto, . Ogni programma è stato controllato con antivirus, ma Psicopolis non risponde del funzionamento del software, che è reperito in rete.
What can you do with ezWebcar?

ezWebcar is a powerful tool that adds a new dimension to your web surfing experience. Now you can say final good-bye to loneliness on the web and make web surfing more social experience. These are some of the things you can do on the web together:

  • Go shopping in e-Stores with your friends or spouse.
  • Discuss current events and news with your friends by visiting same news portal together.
  • Show and describe you vacation pictures to your friends and family.
  • Play a romantic song for your sweet heart by going together to a music website and playing a song of your choice. Both of you will be able to hear the same song at the same time.
  • Decide on a vacation spot by visiting and discussing the websites of possible places with your friends.
  • Share a hilarious joke or picture you came across on the web with your friends and laugh together.
  • Buy gifts for your children by going with them to their favorite e-stores and without handing them over your credit card.
  • Possiblities are limitless, you get the idea...
ezWebcar is not just a co-browsing tool

ezWebcar functionality is not limited to co-browsing. It can help you a great deal even if you are browsing the web alone.

Image that you were deep into researching something on the web and you had number of browser windows open for your reference and now you had to go to some other computer or stop browsing for some reason, did you not wish that somehow you could open the exact same browser windows showing the exact same web pages on the different machine at a different time? ezWebcar lets you do just that! ezWebcar remembers all the browser windows you had open and their pages. You do not have to add pages in your favorite list and hunt for them later. more>>

ezWebcar also lets you attach your own notes to web pages. Think of these notes as yellow sticky notes you use everyday. You can refer to these notes every time you visit the same web page using ezWebcar. You can even share this notes with all your co-browsing buddies.


About ezWebTour

ezWebTour is available in the same browser extension as ezWebcar. Using ezWebTours you can compile web pages from different websites into a single ezWebTour. All of these pages can then be accessed via single hyper link, which you can easily email to anyone. With ezWebTours you don't have to keep returning to search engines every time you want information on a given subject. Perform your search once while creating a ezWebTour, and then use it repeatedly for your own review or share it with someone. In a ezWebTour you can add pages from any website on the Internet you can also span your ezWebTour into multiple browser windows. ezWebTour only stores the links to the WebTour pages, hence the information you view is always up to date. In a ezWebTour can attach notes to each individual pages you add and also to the entire tour. Your notes will be displayed every time the ezWebTour is viewed. You can create private and restricted ezWebTours.   more>>

What can you do with ezWebTour?

ezWebTour is a tool that lets you compile the "best of the web" pages on any topic into a single hyper link, and share it with others. These are some of the things you can do with ezWebTour:

  • Create ezWebTours on the research you did to purchase something (for example, digital camera), and share it with friends.
  • View an ezWebTour created by someone on a tourist spot (for example, bed and breakfast places in Vermont) before you decide to go there.
  • Show and describe you vacation pictures to your friends and family.
  • Create an ezWebTour of different software you evaluated for your company (for example, Instant Messaging software) and send the ezWebTour to your colleagues for their comments.
  • Create an ezWebTour of the Websites you visit daily (for example, stock quotes, News paper headlines, Sprts....) and view it from any computer, you will be amazed at the time it will save you everyday.
  • Possiblities are limitless, you get the idea...

ezWebcar + ezWebTour

You can view or create an ezWebTour while co-browsing using ezWebcar. Both the products work very vell hand in hand. These are some of the things you can do to get the most out of ezWebcar and ezWebTour:

  • Compile the webpages you want to discuss with someone into an ezWebTour, then show them your precompiled pages one by one along with your notes in a co-browsing session of ezWebcar. This way you will not have to hunt for webpages right at the time of your meeting
  • Compile an ezWebTour as a team work, by getting into a co-browsing session using ezWebcar and by collaboratively creating the ezWebTour.
  • Possiblities are limitless, you get the idea...

Instant messaging and chat in ezWebcar

ezWebcar provides you instant messaging and real time chat with other ezWebcar users. Using Instant messaging you can find out at any time which of your friends are online and chat with them in real time. Using the instant chat messages you can invite them to co-browse with you. ezWebcar's chat system can be used outside of co-browsing and you do not have to be co-browsing to chat with your friends. more>>