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Tool Button

ToolButton is a deskbar on your Desktop.

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You can sign-in to ToolButton from any computer on the Internet. Use your ToolButton the same way at your home computer as you do on your office computer. ToolButton roams the Internet with you.

Change the default search engine for the search bar with this pull-down menu. All searches thereafter will be sent to the new default search engine. Alternatively, send a one-time search to any search engine by entering a keyword before the search term. For example, send a one-time search to Yahoo for "speakers"by entering "speakers" in the search bar.

Add any search engine on the Internet to your search bar. ToolButton comes with over 50 search engines you can choose from but you can also create a custom entry for virtually any search on any web site (it does not have to be a search engine). Customize your search for phone lists, stock quotations or word dictionaries.

A screenshot of a typical ToolButton pull-down menu. The ToolButton Publisher or Webmaster configures the ToolButton to link to the most useful content on the Publisher™ web site. A menu can lead to:
  • Dynamic (RSS) feeds, or 
  • A web page URL, or 
  • Another submenu

A ToolButton can read a Dynamic (RSS .90, .91, .92, 2.0) feed published by a Publisher. The "headlines"appear in a menu window in summary form. You can quickly scan the headlines and click on any item that is of interest. Once clicked, your browser window would open the article in a full window.


ToolButton can be personalized:

  • Change the order your toolbuttons appear in the deskbar
  • Delete a ToolButton from the deskbar
  • Add separators between toolbuttons
  • Change sounds
  • Modify search engine listings
  • Set the default behavior for “page not found” errors
  • Clear search history
  • ...and much more!
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