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The Human Nature Review Internet Explorer Search Toolbar
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Customize your search toolbar

This invaluable free toolbar allows you to search resources such as PubMed, Scirus, Encarta, Encyclopedia Britannica and many other sites directly from your Internet Explorer (v. 5.01 or higher) toolbar. A term can be searched across multiple databases with a single mouse click, and the toolbar can be configured to search the sites that you use most often in your work. It is similar to the Google toolbar but is designed specifically for those involved in the natural sciences, the social sciences and philosophy.

System requirements

Step One - Download the toolbar from our homepage (the toolbar will install automatically in just a few seconds). Oppure da qui

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Step Two - Customize your toolbar by selecting "Customize Search Engines" as shown below:

customize the toolbar

Click on the "Add" button to bring up this box

Choose from the list of sites below. For example, if you want to include PubMed on your toolbar enter "Search PubMed" in the "Name" section of the box shown above and then paste in the relevant search code shown below into the "Search URL" box. The easiest way to be sure of copying the correct code is to right-click on the desired link below and select "copy shortcut".

PubMed - a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 11 million MEDLINE citations back to the mid-1960's and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources.