Indice Browsers

MultiBrowser divides your screen into two separate, adjustable windows, increasing your browser power and making it easy to synthesize information from numerous web sites and programs.

Option buttons let you to toggle between top, bottom or dual browser views, drop-down menus (print, favorites, etc.) function for both browsers, an integrated feature lets you chat while you surf the web, and the adjustable mid-bar (separator) gives you the flexibility to decide how the screen is divided. The choice is yours--after all, it's your browser.

(.exe 2540 Kb)

MultiBrowser makes it easy to: ·

  1. Edit multiple Word documents at once (requires Microsoft® Office ). Simply use the navigation buttons in one browser to view the contents of your Word files, cut or copy from any or all of them, and paste directly into a master document in the other browser. There is no need to constantly open and close files.

  2. Design or restyle your web site. Compare different versions in each of the browsers and edit them then and there.

  3. Integrate your applications into the same environment. Open your own web page in one browser, view images (pictures) online or offline in the other browser, and add the image file names to your web page - without having to open a separate application.

  4. Copy directly from the Web into an open document. Perform an online search with one browser, and copy information from the web page directly into an offline document in the other browser.

A user-friendly, step-by-step guide will download with the program to walk you through all of MultiBrowser's unique features and how "to."

Il freeware è riservato ai Cittadini di
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Attenzione, se trovi il server occupato, riprova in orari diversi. Se hai difficoltà a scaricare o ricevi un file corrotto, . Ogni programma è stato controllato con antivirus, ma Psicopolis non risponde del funzionamento del software, che è reperito in rete.