IntelliTamper (.zip 120 Kb)

IntelliTamper is a small and easy-to-use program which will tell you what is really behind any Web site.

Just type in the address, let the IntelliTamper spider works and read the pages for you, and you will be able to access the files and browse the folders like if they were on your own hard-disk !

IntelliTamper is also able to scan a website for unlisted files and folders with a dictionnary based scan.

Results are displayed in real time in the window with various informations on progression. Files and folders found are displayed in a friendly mini Windows-Explorer. You can then open links found on pages in your browser, send emails to addresses found on pages, open distant files and save them to your harddisk.

Nothing will be saved on your harddisk until you ask to download something. Program downloads and saves in memory HTML pages from web sites, read them and then delete them.
Il freeware è riservato ai Cittadini di
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Attenzione, se trovi il server occupato, riprova in orari diversi. Se hai difficoltà a scaricare o ricevi un file corrotto, . Ogni programma è stato controllato con antivirus, ma Psicopolis non risponde del funzionamento del software, che è reperito in rete.