Akkademia di Psicopolis
Risorse 1 - 2

Presented by Nada AbiSamra

Preliminary Questionnaire & KWL Chart

1- Cooperative Learning

2- Group Vs. Team Work

3- Benefits of Organized Team Work

4- Organization of Teams:
-Team formation
- Attitude towards group work
- Team work style
- Team building questionnaire
-Self-fulfilling prophecy (teacher expectations)

5- Team Leader: Characteristics

6- Team Leader: DUTIES

A- Fill out the Team Leader Pledge

B- Work with team members on the following:

1- Team Pledge
2- Team Charter: Define

.Team roles
.Essential agreements
.Team Rules & Consequences

C- Organize Team Meetings
.First Team Progress Report
.Team Progress Report (have the recorder fill it out regularly)

Evaluate meetings and develop ways of making future meetings more productive.
D- Evaluate Team Development

E- Assess Team functioning

Help team members identify what they do well as a team, determine where they need improvement, and agree on strategies for making changes.
F- Negotiate conflicts
Another site
(Negotiation Rating Sheet)

G- Evaluate/Improve listening skills

H- Build on Personality Strengths

Help team members to identify their own and other members' personality strengths, and to discover ways to use their differences to build a more productive team.
* Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
.Self-esteem test
.Build-up self-esteem
.Self-esteem building strategies
.Extroversion or Introversion
.Extroversion or Introversion2
.Learning styles
.Emotional Intelligence

I- Assess her/his Leadership
Leadership Self-Assessment

Team Leader Evaluation

J- Apply the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
(Stephen Covey):

1.Be Proactive. Take the initiative.
2.Begin with the End in Mind.
Shape a vision of your team's future and have a clear purpose.
3.Put First Things First.
Once you've decided what your priorities are, you need to follow through. 
4.Think "Win-Win."
Work toward mutual benefit. Foster support, mutual respect, and interdependence. 
5.Seek First to Understand...Then to Be Understood.
Listen to others with understanding as the intent.
Work in a way that the whole becomes greater than the parts.
7.Sharpen the Saw.
Constantly look for new opportunities for improvement. 

=> Generate and sustain trust. 
The team's trust in itself -- and its leadership --
allows members to accept dissent and ride through the turbulence 
of the team process.

7- Team Members: Characteristics

8- Team Members' Do's & Dont's

9- Ice Breakers & Team Building Activities


11- Recap


Workshop Evaluation Form

"Teamwork in its essence and at its best yields a whole, which is greater than the sum of its parts. In simpler terms, 1+1 adds up to more than 2. It allows a group of people together, to make decisions and/or carry out activities more effectively and with more confidence, than any one team member could."