Learning Development Cycle: Bridging Learning Design and Modern Knowledge Needs
George Siemens Parte 1 - Parte 2

Most models assume that the creation of an instructional process is the intent of design. This view only addresses the transmission domain of learning. The domains of accretion, emergence and acquisition are often unattended in traditional design. As previously stated, each domain has different object of design. Each different design object is indicative of a different view or theory of learning. Figure 3 expresses the link between learning domain and suited learning theory.

Figure 3: Learning Theories and Domains

The instructional process is the object of design in the transmission domain. Traditional ID models attend to transmission through focus on explicit learning objectives, content analysis, content sequencing, and blueprinting the instructional flow. This model has particular value in creation of courses, programs, and workshops. The instructor (due to activities of the designer) is kept at the centre of the instructional process. Transmission is particularly useful when introducing new bodies of knowledge or meeting compliance-training needs. Much of today's educational system is built on this model of learning. Education is constructed with start and end points (courses, programs, degrees). Learners are exposed to key ideas within a knowledge field by an instructor who is competent in the domain. Transmission occurs through readings, lectures, and more recently, group work and collaborative activities. Behaviourism and cognitivism are the predominant learning theories utilized in conjunction with the transmission domain of learning.

The capacity for reflective and critical thinking is the object of design in the emergence domain. Emergence is a less common form of learning, but its effects are significant. In a sense, emergence opens doors to new fields of knowledge, leading into the selection of accretion or acquisition domains to continue knowledge development. Reflection and cognition provide learners with the capacity to explore new realms. Serendipitous learning is also an important aspect of the process. The formulation of innovative approaches and new perspectives are functions of emergence learning. Cognitivism and constructivism are the learning theories most reflective of how learning occurs in the emergent domain.

Access to resources is the object of design in the acquisition domain. Acquisition is a large part of learning. Designers also seek to improve the abilities of learners to manage and navigate knowledge resources. It is a largely unstructured process where learners select their own objectives and intent for learning. Often, personal interest is the motivating factor. Of all the learning domains, acquisition is the most "fun". Subject matter being explored is highly relevant to the learner's interest and use. Learners may reach beyond current resources to connect with others in the creation of virtual communities. The internet has made the formation of communities based on interest (not geography) possible. Connectivism (Siemens, 2004) and constructivism are the learning theories that most adequately inform the nature of acquisition learning.

Networks, environments, and ecologies are the object of design in the accretion domain of learning. Most learning happens in this domain. Learning at this level is a function of creating connections, foraging for needed knowledge, and "plugging in" to learning sources (as compared to possessing learning). Knowing where to find needed information is valued above possessing information, due to how quickly information evolves and changes. The designer's role in this domain of learning is to create the construct and opportunities for learners to pursue and provide for their own learning. The network itself is the critical learning element. Connecting learners to networks and communities ensures that knowledge is relevant and current.


Connectivism as a learning theory provides insight into the dynamics of networks, environments, and ecologies in relation to accretion learning. It consists of the following principles:

  • Learning and knowledge rests in diversity of opinions.
  • Learning is a process of connecting specialized nodes or information sources.
  • Learning may reside in non-human appliances.
  • Capacity to know more is more critical than what is currently known. "Know where" replaces "know what" and "know how".
  • Nurturing and maintaining connections is needed to facilitate continual learning.
  • Ability to see connections between fields, ideas, and concepts is a core skill.
  • Currency (accurate, up-to-date knowledge) is the intent of all connectivist learning activities.
  • Decision-making is itself a learning process. Choosing what to learn and the meaning of incoming information is seen through the lens of a shifting reality. While there is a right answer now, it may be wrong tomorrow due to alterations in the information climate affecting the decision.

Learning Ecology

If course-based learning is out of date for today's learner, what is the alternative? The answer can be found in learning ecologies and networks : structures that emulate continual learning. John Seely Brown (2002) defines a learning ecology as "an open, complex, adaptive system comprising elements that are dynamic and interdependent". Learning ecologies possess numerous components (Siemens, 2003):

  • Informal, not structured. The system should not define the learning and discussion that happens. The system should be flexible enough to allow participants to create according to their needs.
  • Tool-rich - many opportunities for users to dialogue and connect.
  • Consistency and time. New communities, projects and ideas start with much hype and promotion, and then slowly fade. To create a knowledge sharing ecology, participants need to see a consistently evolving environment.
  • Trust. High, social contact (face to face or online) is needed to foster a sense of trust and comfort. Secure and safe environments are critical for trust to develop.
  • Simplicity. Other characteristics need to be balanced with the need for simplicity. Great ideas fail because of complexity. Simple, social approaches work most effectively. The selection of tools and the creation of the community structure should reflect this need for simplicity.
  • Decentralized, fostered, connected; as compared to centralized, managed, and isolated.
  • High tolerance for experimentation and failure

These ecologies possess numerous characteristics that need to be attended to in the design process. The following components should be present in an ecology:

  • A space for gurus and beginners to connect (master/apprentice)
  • A space for self-expression (blog, journal)
  • A space for debate and dialogue (listserv, discussion forum, open meetings)
  • A space to search archived knowledge (portal, website)
  • A space to learn in a structured manner (courses, tutorials)
  • A space to communicate new information and knowledge indicative of changing elements within the field of practice (news, research)

The formation of networks within ecologies adds a personal aspect to learning endeavours. A network consists of two or more nodes linked in order to share resources. A node is a connection point to a larger network. Learning communities, information sources, and individuals can all be classified as nodes (it is important to note that a node does not need to be a person. For example, an RRS aggregator can be classified as a node that delivers information to the larger network). A network, in the context of an ecology and communities, is how we organize our learning communities, resulting in a personal learning network.

Technology is an important aspect of our current social landscape. McLuhan stated (1967): "Any understanding of social and cultural change is impossible without a knowledge of the way media works as environments" (p.26). This environmental view of learning and technology provides considerable insight into how designers approach learning. Linking social and cultural change with ecology-designed learning opens new possibilities for creating integrated, relevant learning.

Learning Development Cycle

Learning Development Cycle (LDC) in Figure 4 is a meta-learning design model. The different domains of learning require a model that addresses different approaches, intent, and desired outcomes. The most critical stage of the design model is the determination of the object of the design process.
LDC consists on the following stages:

1. Scope and object of learning design
2. Creation of learning resources
3. User Experience
4. Meta-evaluation to determine effectiveness and accuracy of design process and assumptions
5. Formative and Summative Evaluation of project and learner experience.

Figure 4: Learning Development Cycle

Stage 1: Scope
Most instructional design theories begin the design process with some type of stated learning objectives. In reality, learning objectives often serve more to guide the designer than to guide the learner. Most learners (especially those at the accretion stage) will have their own objectives. When designing an environment or ecology, objectives no longer relate to content. Learners themselves forage for needed content, connections, and interaction. This model closely mimics how most learning happens. Few situations in life and work are clearly and concisely presented. Most often, problems and situations are ambiguous, requiring exploration and experimentation in finding desired solutions.

Planning and analyzing the scope of learning design begins with the recognition that no one model (i.e. transmission) is able to attend to the entire scope of learning. Eisner (1992) addresses the value of moving from a static model of learning design: "...sustaining a direction in schooling or maintaining a set of priorities in the curriculum is much more like nurturing a friendship than installing a refrigerator in the kitchen. The latter requires virtually no attention after installation: the same cannot be said of friendship" (p. 305).

Stage 2: Creation
During the second stage of LDC, designers design, develop, and deliver learning (regardless of which domain of learning). A key component in traditional instructional design is content type analysis. The main task in this process is to determine the nature of content and the best way in which to present the content. Merrill's Component Display Theory (1983) is based on the assumption "that there are different categories of outcomes and that each of these categories requires a different procedure for assessing achievement and a different procedure for promoting the capability represented by the category" (p. 284-285). Content type analysis has limited value in the design process for the accretion, acquisition, and emergence aspects of learning, as learners will self-select from wider environmental resources. A well-designed resource is simply another node within the larger learning network. Transmission learning receives greater value from detailed content analysis. A pilot phase is also included during the Creation stage, similar to rapid prototyping, where the learning experience is piloted and feedback is actively incorporated into the ongoing design and development.

During the design stage, the main considerations relate to the nature of the content and the planned interaction. Media for presenting content and fostering interaction are also explored and finalized (though the pilot and user-evaluation phase will inform media selection). McLuhan captures the essence of the issue of media and technology selection and use: "In the name of "progress" our official culture is striving to force the new media to do the work of the old". In many cases, learning objectives may be used (either explicitly stated or implicitly utilized during the development process). Certain learning projects will not include explicit objectives. For example, a learning ecology for accretion learning will give learners far greater control in pursuing objectives which are relevant to work tasks or needs.

Blueprinting and sequencing of learning material are less important in emergence, acquisition, and accretion learning. Through the provision of learning ecologies, learners themselves play the critical role in determining needed knowledge. Simply making learning resources available allows learners the capability to navigate the turbulent knowledge waters that define much of work today. Learning is not an "in advance of need" concept. Blueprinting and sequencing is partly unnecessary if adequate ecologies of learning have been designed. Learning occurs not only through content exposure, but also through interaction, reflection, and cognition.

Learner motivation should be in the background of the entire Creation stage of LDC. Keller (1987) proposes the ARCS model consisting of four major categories to increase, create, or reward learner motivation: attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. Learners often do not require external motivation when meeting a knowledge need of high relevance (work or personally). Most often when learners are foraging for information, motivation is intrinsic. Learning networks, for example require limited design intervention to foster motivation. More traditional design (like courses and workshops) will benefit from specific focus on Keller's ARCS model.

The development stage of LDC focuses on identifying subject matter experts, creating the development timeline, exploring skill sets needed for completing the project, and doing the actual work of creating the learning. Initiating a process of piloting content and interaction is important at this level. Instead of waiting until the completion of a learning resource, the designer receives valuable information during the creation stage. This information can then be incorporated into ongoing design and development. Depending on budget, scope, and timelines, the design team may include a diverse group including graphic designers, programmers, media specialists, subject matter experts, and end users.

During delivery of the learning resource, the activity shifts to implementation. Depending on which learning domain was served during design, the content and interaction process may fall into the care of an instructor, a network of learners, or an individual support system (for emergence or acquisition). Support activities are also important at this stage. Technical, learning, or general support should be available to ensure the design of content and interaction does not interfere with learning. The support network is particularly important to learners who are taking an online course for the first time, joining a network or ecology, or using resources for acquisition or reflection. Early, successful use of learning resources is critical to continued use.

The design, development, and delivery stages are fluid and interdependent. Thiagi (1999) explores the challenges inherent to this process:

"Design involves all activities undertaken before the actual learner interacts with the instructional package in a real-world training situation. Delivery is what happens subsequently. An important principle (and constraint) is that you can trade off resources allocated to these two phases. For example, if you have a high resource level for delivery (subject matter experts as instructors, plenty of instructional time, small groups of learners, and alternative instructional materials), you can skimp on the design. On the other hand, if you have extremely limited resources for the delivery of instruction (nonspecialist instructors, tight learning schedule, and large groups of learners), you need to allocate extra time and other resources to the design process. The basic idea here is that you pay now or pay later."

Stage 3: User Experience and Piloting
User experience is an important process in making sure that learning resources are used. Various models of user experience and piloting designs are available to assist in this stage. A simple, fairly integrated model can be found in Peter Morville's (2004) "User Experience Honeycomb". Several aspects of user need are reflected in Morville's model: is the design: useful, usable, desirable, findable, accessible, credible, and valuable? User experience and piloting are similar, though piloting may focus only on content, whereas user experience focuses specifically on the learners reaction to content, presentation, interaction, and general design. Many headaches (for learners, designers, and managers) can be avoided by successfully incorporating reactions and experiences from end users.

Stage 4: Meta-evaluation
Meta-evaluation is the process of evaluating the actual effectiveness of the learning design process. Exploring successes and dialoguing on obstacles helps the entire design process to grow in effectiveness during future projects (and will often inform the revision of existing learning resources). Meta-evaluation is critical to continually improving the model and learning design.

Stage 5: Evaluation
Evaluation is listed as the final stage of the LDC model simply because not all learning activities require the evaluation of learning. Transmission is the only domain that requires a direct evaluation process. This evaluation may be formative (done during the process of exploring a learning resources) or summative (done after the completion of a learning resource). Evaluation can take a variety of forms, including tests, assignments, and group projects, or alternative methods like eportfolios, reflective journaling, and performance assessments. PLAR can be an important consideration at this phase.

Evaluation is not entirely limited to organizational assessment of the learner. Effective evaluation should allow each learner to provide feedback on the quality of the learning resource, instruction (if it was a part of the experience), relevance, and format. If possible, evaluation should be ongoing though out the learning experience. This may be as simple as encouraging each learner to set up a reflective blog, or contacting learners (email, phone) for direct feedback. Evaluations that only take place at the end of a learning resource (assuming that the resource has an "end") overlook many opportunities for valuable insight for designers.

Learning Development Cycle can be approached in a variety of ways. Most common, and best suited for most organizations, is the linear model presented in Figure 5. As stated previously, determining the object of the design process is a critical element. Once the design object has been determined, designers move into the creation stage. A feedback loop is included in order to provide ongoing feedback into the entire process. Multiple iterations will inform and guide continued scope and learning resource creation.

As with most theories, life usually does not fit into a clear, concise model. Most often, there is overlap between different domains of learning. The design process can then be seen as focusing primarily on one domain, yet still accounting for aspects of another domain. For purposes of espousing a theory, four distinctive domains are used. In actual design situations, a designer will likely select aspects of each domain to create the optimum learning resource.

Figure 5: Learning Develoment Cycle Flow

Figure 6: Learning Development Cycle Considerations

New Tools and Processes

A new model of learning design also requires new tools and processes. Many of these tools are already in use in a subculture of internet users. The tools are characterized by: sociability, collaboration, simplicity, and connections. Blogs, wikis, RSS (Really Simple Syndication), instant messaging, Voice over IP, and social networking applications are gaining increased attention in progressive organizations. These software tools are at odds with how many organizations are currently designed (top-down, highly structured, hierarchical, and centralized). As simple social technologies continue to expand in influence, a core reorganization of many institutions can be anticipated.

Saveri, Rheingold, and Vian (2005) explore this new landscape of collaborative tools. They categorize eight clusters of cooperative technology: self-organizing mesh networks, community computing grids, peer production networks, social mobile networks, group-forming networks, social software, social accounting tools, and knowledge collectives. The availability of new technology requires a shift from "designing systems to providing platforms" (p. 2). The power shift moves from organization to individual and from designer to learner.


LDC has many applications for designing learning today. Most significant is the ability to combine formal and informal learning. Informal learning is experiencing growing recognition as a critical component of most organizations. PLAR provides a bridging solution for individuals entering a new career, and provides colleges with a mechanism to bridge informal learning with formal learning requirements.

Few trends should be of more interest to higher education than the opportunity to integrate corporate education within existing structures and delivery models. It is surprising to note universities and colleges have left the outsourcing trend virtually untouched. Higher education appears to be reluctant to reorganize itself to embrace new climates and environments of learning. Many colleges speak of life-long learning; yet only form relationships with learners for two to four years. The bulk of learning for most people will happen in their work environment. A unique opportunity exists for education providers who are prepared to modify themselves to attend to learner's needs for a lifetime.

LDC also creates a tighter link with the natural process of learning and designed learning. As stated previously, informal learning is too significant a concept to be ignored. Integrating alternative views of learning with design broadens the scope of work for many learning designers. The domain of learning designers extends beyond courses and begins to include environments, and self-functioning skills (i.e. how to handle information, how to forage for information, how to think critically, etc.). Ultimately, the learner benefits, as her needs are attended to in greater detail.


Measuring learning (and learning effectiveness)
Most corporations currently track learning in terms of time spent in training, workshops, completion of established software modules, etc. Kirkpatrick's model of measuring training effectiveness has received some criticism, but is still a fairly useful model of determining the impact of learning. Judith B. Strother acknowledges the current limitation of metrics solutions: "Until a more solid research methodology is developed for measuring e-learning results, we can rely on the mainly qualitative feedback from corporations that are using e-learning to deliver their training".

Determining the effectiveness of a course, program, or learning approach can be difficult. Learning is much more than a direct "return on investment" decision. The very nature of learning alters people and organizations, increasing their capacity for competent action. The metrics applied to learning value are unfortunately often linked on a direct "dollars in, dollars out" model. Capacity creation and advanced organizational effectiveness can be overlooked.

Learning is not an isolationist activity. When learning is viewed as a network, each node (in this case, employee) that improves its own value (value defined as ability to act in a contextually appropriate manner to a challenge or opportunity and increased relevance to the environment around) creates a ripple effect that impacts other nodes, improving the value of the entire network (or organization). Seen in this manner, measuring learning impact is less about dollars in, and more about increased relevance and competence. The industrial input/output model is a difficult template to place over a knowledge era organization. Measuring learning effectiveness requires a global view of the corporation. The overall ability of an organization to achieve its defined vision is a by-product of the quality of its learning. An organization in a deficit stage of vision achievement will require increased learning. Models for measuring (and capacity to measure) this view of learning are currently lacking. Metrics of industrial era evaluation are still dominant.

Why would corporations embrace a model that appears to be open in structure? How do organizations measure the effectiveness of learning in this model? LDC still functions from learning objectives (learning design should certainly be clear, but objectives are not always explicitly stated, or even known in advance of learning), but learning is created as guideposts, not directions. The constructs of the ecology permit individual learners broad movements based on personal interests and motivations (but still within the larger organizational parameters created by the designer to serve a specific outcome).

Learner reactions
Learners who have been conditioned to receive information in objective-packaged formats will resist (or be confused) by the sudden expectation of independence and knowledge foraging. The image of being a learner almost creates a preconditioned response of passivity. Most people innately possess the skills advocated by LDC, but they often do not see how pursuing a personal hobby is a learning process. Some transitory stage is required to move learners from passive consumers to active knowledge creators.

Instructor reactions
Instructors and trainers who are used to highly structured, regimented learning will find LDC approaches (particularly when designed for the accretion, acquisition, and emergence domains of learning) frustrating. Training professionals are required to move beyond knowledge provision (the model of transmission) to a more coach or guide-based role. Instructors will encounter disorienting experiences in this environment. The classroom model is a powerful metaphor (and almost, security device) of control-based learning. Letting go and opening up to serendipitous, learner-centred learning is not an easy task. For many educators, it will evoke an identify crisis. After several experiences with alternative learning formats, the liberation of not having to have all the answers, but rather guiding learners towards answers, is an intoxicating (and motivating) revelation.


The needs of continual learning, often tightly linked to work, required a new approach and model. LDC has been designed to create an alternative, less-linear view of learning. Learning is the intent of any development activity : communities, courses, networks, or ecology. Selecting the most appropriate design approach will assure greater a more positive and valuable experience for the learner.

Taking a panoramic view of learning, and accounting for unique facets and domains, equips a designer with numerous approaches and methods. Instead of only transmitting learning, educators begin to create structures and networks that will foster a lifetime of learning and learning skills.

Ultimately, designers continue to play a crucial role in the learning experience. Accounting for varying objects of design (instead of only instruction) creates a tighter integration with the unique nuances of learning today. The monochromatic world of course design is replaced with a vibrant environment where learning occurs in an integrated ecosystem. Learning is a continuous stream, rather than a dammed up reservoir.

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