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Multimedia Control Bar


Research Mode


Audio / Video Mode

   Internet Tool Bar

Slide Show Mode

   Form Control Bar
   Media Control Bar
   Playlist Control Bar
   Playlist Edit Bar
   Tab Control Bar
   Option Tool Bar
   Show/Hide Buttons





Research Mode



From Left To Right

  1. Show/Hide Media Bar

  2. Play

  3. Rewind

  4. Previous

  5. Next

  6. Fast Forward

  7. Timer Control - Decrease - Increase

  8. Change Collection Mode

  9. Media Menu


Audio / Video Mode



From Left To Right

  1. Show/Hide Media Bar

  2. Play

  3. Previous

  4. Stop

  5. Next

  6. Volume Control

  7. Duration Control

  8. Change Collection Mode

  9. Media Menu



Slide Show Mode



From Left To Right

  1. Show/Hide Media Bar

  2. Play

  3. Rewind

  4. Previous

  5. Next

  6. Fast Forward

  7. Switch to Full Screen

  8. Timer Control - Decrease - Increase

  9. Change Collection Mode

  10. Media Menu





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