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Getting Started   


Basic Navigation

   Basic Navigation


   Control Popup


   Parental Control


   Turn on Self-Cleanup

Moving From Tab To Tab

   Reading Tool

Back and Forward Button

   Collection Tool
   Gather Information
   Listen to the Music
   Play Video
   Create Slide Show
   Download Images
   Download Media Files






  • Use File - New to open a new Tab

  • Use File - Open to open a web site with option to open as a WEB FOLDER

  • Use File - Open Group to open a group of web sites stored in a folder

  • Use File - Open Links in Selected Area - you can highlight a section in a web page and use this option to open all links in that section

  • Use Favorites - Open All on each folder to open all web sites in that folder

  • Use Address Box to type in an address

Figure 1



There are four options to close open tabs:

  • Close current Tab

  • Close All

  • Close All except First Tab

  • Close All except Current Tab

Figure 2

You can find these option in File Menu and in Tab Control Bar - Close Tab Menu

Note: with Tab Control Bar - Close Tab Menu, you can close a Tab without having to look at it



You can use Open Search in Option Tool Bar to open your favor search engine, or you can type a search phrase directly into the Address Text Box in Internet Tool Bar to search.


Moving from Tab to Tab

There are many ways to switch between Tabs in E2

Figure 3

Figure 4


Back and Forward Button

Back Button in E2 works a little bit different from the other browsers. It remembers the parent Tab, and returns to its parent at the last step. For Example: if you click on a link and that link open another page in a new tab, click on the back button of the new tab will bring you back to the first tab.




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