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Using E2   


Setting Function Keys

   Keyboard Shortcut
   Setting F Keys
   Setting Options
   Image Formats
   Media Formats




The following options can be used to assign to a function key

  • Activate First Tab

  • Activate Last Tab

  • Activate Previous Tab

  • Activate Next Tab

  • Open a New Tab

  • Close current Tab

  • Close All

  • Close All except first Tab

  • Close All except current Tab

  • Quick Shut Down

  • Hide/Show Me

  • Open Start Page(s)

  • Open Search

  • Open My Folder

  • Hide/Show all Menu and Toolbars

  • Change Media Control Tool Bar


To program a function key

  1. Select Options in the Tool menu to bring up Internet Options window

Figure 1

  1. Click on Keyboard Shortcuts to bring up Keyboard Shortcuts Tab

  2. Select a Key from KEY drop-down box

  3. Select action for the Key in DEFINED action drop-down box

  4. Click APPLY before you select another key for programming.

As you can see from Internet Options Window, you can also program a key to open a web site, or launch an application for you. These settings will take affect immediately, you do not need to reboot or restart E2.




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