Vita di J. Dewey
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Chronology of John Dewey'sLife and Work
The Center for Dewey Studies, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
1931.12.** "The Federal Government and Unemployment" published [LW6]

1931.12.12 Scheduled to speak at LID luncheon, Hotel Woodstock, on the subject of Manchuria [L.I.D. Monthly 10 (December 1931): 6]

1931.12.22 Lunch with Horace Kallen [1931.12.19 (08459)]

1931.12.28-1932.02.01 Committee of One Hundred on Scientific Research, American Association for the Advancement of Science, New Orleans, symposium, "Political Interference in Higher Education and Research" [LW6]

1932 Honorary president, Henry George School of Social Science [1952.06.24 (16217)]

1932 Ethics published [LW7]

1932 Honorary president, National Education Association

1932 American People's College "Travel-Study Vacation" advisory committee [American Teacher 16 (January 1932): 13; Progressive Education 9 (1932): 391]

1932 "Human Nature" published [LW6]

1932 Prefatory Remarks in George Herbert Mead's The Philosophy of the Present published [LW6]

1932 Introduction to Theodore T. Lafferty's Studies in Philosophy published [LW6]

1932 Foreword to Paul H. Douglas's The Coming of a New Party published [LW6]

1932 Introduction to F. Matthias Alexander's The Use of the Self published [LW6]

1932 "Introduction to Looking Forward: Discussion Outlines" published [LW17]

1932.01.04 Plans to meet with Benjamin Beckhart [1931.12.29 (07626)]

1932.01.06 "Charles Sanders Peirce," review of Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, published [LW6]

1932.01.15-17 "Have to go to Phila for the weekend" [1932.01.13 (08462)]

1932.01.20 Lunch with Horace Kallen at Faculty Club? [1932.01.13 (08462)]

1932.01.24 Delivers Graham Foundation Lecture, under auspices of Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Academy of Music, Brooklyn [New York Times, 25 January 1932]

1932.01.27 "Education and Birth Control" published [LW6]

1932.02.04 Delivers Barnwell Address at Central High School, Philadelphia, "Monastery, Bargain Counter, or Laboratory in Education?"; lunch with Barnes [1932.01.30 (04302); LW6]

1932.02.08 Presides at New History Society, Carnegie Hall

1932.02.11 Listed as accepting as "sponsor" of Caribbean Conference, scheduled for March 20-27, subsequently canceled [DNA, RG 165 (War Dept.), Military Intelligence Dir.]

1932.02.20 "Political Interference in Higher Education and Research" published [LW6]

1932.02.20 Contributes to National Council of Education discussion, "Discussion of 'Freedom, in Relation to Culture, Social Planning, and Leadership'" [LW6]

1932.02.21,23 Addresses annual convention, Department of Superintendence of the National Education Association, Washington, DC [New York Times, 23 February 1932, 19]

1932.02.22 Addresses Department of Supervisors and Teachers of Home Economics of the National Education Association, Washington, DC, "The Economic Situation: A Challenge to Education" [LW6]

1932.02.24 "Marx Inverted," review of Gerald Heard's The Emergence of Man, published [LW6]

1932.02.24 "A Third Party Program" published [LW6]

1932.02-03 "The Schools and the White House Conference" published [LW6]

1932.03.01-04? Hears Chester Rowell[?] make speech on Far Eastern situation, Foreign Policy Association luncheon [1932.03.08 (03067)]

1932.03.07 Addresses Rand School, "Philosophy and Politics" [1932.01.26 (08123); New Leader, 5 March 1932, 10]

1932.03.07 Addresses annual dinner of New Leader, Beethoven Hall [New York Times, 8 March 1932, 3]

1932.03.09 Addresses dinner in his honor, Women's City Club [New York Times, 10 March 1932, 11]

1932.03.09 "In Reply to Judge Cardozo" published [LW6]

1932.03.11 In Columbia, SC, teachers' convention [1932.03.08 (03067)]

1932.03.12 In Augusta, GA [1932.03.11 (03068)]

1932.03.12 "Self-Saver or Frankenstein?" review of Oswald Spengler's Man and Technics, published [L6]

1932.03.14 Addresses Rand School, "Philosophy and Politics" [New Leader, 5 March 1932, 10]

1932.03.18 Meets with James Cattell to discuss "taxation matters" [1932.03.20 (07640)]

1932.03.20-27 "People such as . . . John Dewey . . . will be" at Conferencia del Caribe, San JosÈ, Costa Rica? [1932.02.26 (06539)]

1932.03.22 Addresses meeting of the Joint Committee on Unemployment, Town Hall Club [New York Times, 23 March 1932]

1932.03.23 "Peace--by Pact or Covenant?" published [LW6]

1932.03.** Radio address, WOR

1932.03.** "The Only Way to Stop Hoarding" published [LW6]

1932.03.** "Church Leaders Ask Church Act on Unemployment" published [LW6]

1932.03.26 Listed as chairman of the Committee on a Testimonial Dinner to Margaret Sanger, to be held on 20 April in New York [1932.03.26 (07639)]

1932.03.28 Dinner with Levinsons [1932.03.27 (03070)]

1932.04.01,02,08,09 Addresses Wagner Free Institute of Science, Philadelphia, on Common Sense, Science and Philosophy, Richard B. Westbrook Free Lectureship Foundation [1932.03.27 (04303); 1932.03.28 (06959); LW6]

1932.04.06 Invites Joseph Ratner to lunch [1932.03.30 (06958)]

1932.04.10 "Dewey Describes Child's New World" published [LW6]

1932.04.13 "Bending the Twig," review of Albert Jay Nock's The Theory of Education in the United States, published [LW6]

1932.04.18 "Calls Wagner 'Keyman' on Unemployment Aid" published [LW6]

1932.04.20 May have attended Testimonial Dinner to Margaret Sanger [1932.03.26 (07639)]

1932.04.27 "The Collapse of a Romance" published [LW6]

1932.04.** "Prosperity Dependent on Building from Bottom Up" published [LW6]

1932.04.** Review of Abraham Flexner's Universities: American, English, German published [LW17]

1932.04.** Review of Charles Edward Merriam's The Making of Citizens published [LW17]

1932.05.01 Addresses conference of Joint Committee on Unemployment

1932.05.19 Addresses Twenty-third Annual Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Shiloh Baptist Church, Washington, DC [1932.05.11 (08317); LW6]

1932.05.25 Radio address, WOR, 7:15 p.m., "Sees Third Party Forming" [New York Herald Tribune, 25 May 1932, 14; New York Times, 26 May 1932, 15]

1932.05? Member, Board of Advisers, Progressive School directed by Miss Elizabeth Irwin [Progressive Education 9 (May 1932): 331-32]

1932.05.** "Politics and Culture" published [LW6]

1932.05.** "You Must Act to Get Congress to Act" published [LW6]

1932.05.** "The Senate Birth Control Bill" published [LW6]

1932.05.** "Joint Committee on Unemployment Demands Congress Act" published [LW6]

1932.05.** "A RÈsumÈ of Four Lectures on Common Sense, Science and Philosophy" published [LW6]

1932.05.27-30 "Week end in the country; got back late last night" [1932.05.31 (08484)]

1932.06.** "The Economic Situation: A Challenge to Education" published [LW6]

1932.06.** "Are Sanctions Necessary to International Organization? No" published [LW6]

1932.06.** "Voters Must Demand Congress Tax Wealth Instead of Want" published [LW6]

1932.06.** "President Dewey Asks Senators to Stay on Guard" published [LW6]

1932.06.01 Attends Columbia University commencement [1932.05.31 (08484)]

1932.06.02 Meets with Executive Committee of LIPA; possible meeting with Kallen [1932.05.31 (08484)]

1932.06.03-20 "Friday I have to go to Cincinnati for two weeks"; lectures at University of Cincinnati Teachers College [1932.05.31 (08484); 1932.06.04 (05734); 1932.06.15 (08466)]

1932.06.08 "Making Soviet Citizens," review of Thomas Woody's New Minds: New Men? and Nicholas Hans's History of Russian Educational Policy, published [LW6]

1932.06.21 Attends meeting of Executive Committee of LIPA; states ìinability to continue as Chairman of the National Committee after the Annual Meetingî [PSC-P, Devere Allen Papers, Document Group 53]

1932.06.21-27 In Cambridge? [1932.06.15 (08466)]

1932.06.23 Honorary degree, Doctor of Laws, Harvard

1932.06.28 Radio address, "You and Your Government" series, National Advisory Council on Radio in Education, "The Place of Minor Parties in the American Scene and Their Relation to the Present Situation" [LW6]

1932.06.29 Elected honorary life president of National Education Association [New York Times, 30 June 1932; Instructor, September 1932, 62]

1932.07.09-10 Addresses third annual conference of the LIPA, Hollenden Hotel, Cleveland, OH, "Democracy Joins the Unemployed" [News Bulletin of the League for Independent Political Action, April-May 1932, 1; LW6]

1932.07.10 "John Dewey Survey's the Nations Ills," interview by S. J. Woolf, published [LW6]

1932.07.21-09.20 In Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1932.07.21 (07509); 1932.07.21 (07510)]

1932.07.26 May have attended Executive Committee meeting of LIPA, Advertising Club [1932.07.18 (17291)]

1932.07.27 "Prospects for a Third Party" published [LW6]

1932.08.17 "The Meiklejohn Experiment," review of Alexander Meiklejohn's The Experimental College, published [LW6]

1932.09.11 Plans to organize "Thomas and Maurer Committee of 100,000" announced in New York, with JD as a vice-chairman [Herald Tribune, 12 September 1932; DNA, RG165 (War Dept.), Military Intelligence Div.]

1932.09.20 Leaves Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1932.09.09? (05191)]

1932.10.02 Speaks at banquet with Heywood Broun and Morris Hillquit [Fox, Reinhold Niebuhr, 135]

1932.10.11 Radio address, WEVD, debate with F. Howe on duty of political liberal in coming election [DNA, RG 165 (War Dept.), Military Intelligence Div.]

1932.10.13 Lectures on "Education and the Social Order," Johns Hopkins University, Gilman Hall [Baltimore Sun, 14 October 1932]

1932.10.14 Addresses Educational Society of Baltimore, Eastern High School [Baltimore Sun, 9 October 1932]

1932.10.17 Addresses Child Study Association of America, "Freedom and Indoctrination," Hotel Pennsylvania, New York [New York Times, 7 October 1932]

1932.10.20 Second lecture, Johns Hopkins University, Johns Hopkins Liberal Club, on "Conflict and Confusion in Social Order" [Baltimore Sun, 14 October 1932]

1932.10.24 "Roosevelt Scored on Relief Policy" published [LW6]

1932.10.27 Elected to Grievance Committee of Teachers Union, chairman, to hear charges against disrupters [Taft, United They Teach, 32]

1932.11.02 Addresses Socialist meeting, White Plains, NY

1932.11.03 "Vladeck and Laidler" published [LW6]

1932.11.18? Addresses "negro teachers of Baltimore" [1932.11.23 (04305)]

1932.11.21 Addresses meeting of the Greater New York branches of the LIPA, Hotel Woodstock, "After the Election--What?" [New York Times, 22 November 1932, 2; LW6]

1932.11.24 Attends LIPA executive committee meeting with Villard et al. [Fox, Reinhold Niebuhr, 131]

1932.11.** "Get Mayor and Governor to Demand Relief" published [LW6]

1932.12.02 "I am just leaving for Washington for a few days" [1932.12.02 (03096)]

1932.12.07 "Funds for Brookwood Labor College" published [LW6]

1932.12.14 "Help for Brookwood" published [LW6]

1932.12.16 Addresses Young Republican Club, National Republican Club

1932.12.27-29 In Bryn Mawr, American Philosophical Association meeting [1932.12.12 (17288); 1932.12.16 (17289)]

1932 Replies to Tate, "What Is It All About?" [LW6]

1933 How We Think published [LW8]

1933 "Contributions to Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences: 'Logic,' 'Outlawry of War'" published [LW8]

1933 "Contributions to The Educational Frontier: 'The Social-Economic Situation and Education,' 'The Underlying Philosophy of Education'" published [LW8]

1933 Foreword to The Philosophy of Henry George published [LW9]

1933 Preface to the English Edition of Terror in Cuba published [LW9]

1933 The Report of the Special Grievance Committee of the Teachers Union published [LW9]

1933 New York and the Seabury Investigation published [LW9]

1933 "Introduction to Looking Forward, 1933" published [LW17]

1933 Vice-president of American Society of Cultural Relations with Russia [FBI File]

1933 Chairman of Columbia University Faculty Fellowship Fund [1936.01.01 (07821)]

1933.01.04 "The Future of Radical Political Action" published [LW9]

1933.01.23 Accepts membership on the Rebecca Shelley Committee [1933.01.23 (07699)]

1933.01.25 Meets to plan "WEVD University of the Air" series, Algonquin Hotel, New York [New York Times, 26 January 1933, 13]

1933.01.28 Addresses Yale Local 204, American Federation of Teachers and New Haven Teachers Association, New Haven, CT, Hotel Taft, "The Crisis in Education" [LW9]

1933.01.** Review of Mr. Justice Brandeis published [LW9]

1933.01.** "Unemployed and Underpaid Consumers Should Not Pay Billion Dollar Subsidy to Speculators" published [LW9]

1933.02.02 "Statement on Technocracy" published [LW9]

1933.02.08 "A God or The God?," review of Henry Nelson Wieman's, Douglas Clyde Macintosh's, and Max Carl Otto's Is There a God? A Conversation, published [LW9]

1933.02.15 Executive committee meeting of LIPA [1933.02.03 (08536); PSC-P, Devere Allen Papers, Document Group 53]

1933.02.16 Lunch with Thomas Reed Powell [1933.02.07 (08538)]

1933.02.18-19 Conference at Brookwood, Katonah, NY [1933.02.07 (07659)]

1933.02.27-03.06 In Minneapolis and Chicago [1933.02.26 (08195); 1933.02.27 (04308); 1933.03.06 (04310)]

1933.02.28 "Santayana's Orthodoxy," review of George Santayana's Some Turns of Thought in Modern Philosophy, published [LW9]

1933.02.** "Relief Is Vital" published [LW9]

1933.03.01 Addresses National Education Association, Minneapolis, Department of Supervisors and Directors of Instruction, "Education and Our Present Social Problems" [New York Times, 2 March 1933, 18; LW9]

1933.03.08 Addresses Rand School of Social Science, New York, "The Problem of Experience" or "Problems of Contemporary Philosophy: The Problem of Experience" [LW17; New York Herald Tribune, 8 March 1933, 16]

1933.03.08 "Unity and Progress" published [LW9]

1933.03.10 In Schenectady [1933.02.26 (08195)]

1933.03.15 Addresses Rand School of Social Science, New York, "The Problem of Thought" [New York Herald Tribune, 15 March 1933, 18]

1933.03.15 Executive Committee Meeting of LIPA [PSC-P, Devere Allen Papers, Document Group 53]

1933.03.18 Conference at New School for Social Research, LIPA [1933.03.04 (07662)]

1933.03.22 Addresses Rand School of Social Science, New York, "The Problem of Purpose" [New York Herald Tribune, 22 March 1933, 25]

1933.03.22 "Dr. Dewey Replies" published [LW9]

1933.03.27 In Merion, PA [1933.03.25 (04312)]

1933.03.** "The Drive against Hunger" published [LW9]

1933.04.15 "Education and Our Present Social Problems" published [LW9]

1933.04.19 "The Adventure of Persuasion," review of Alfred North Whitehead's Adventures of Ideas, published [LW8]

1933.04.21 Addresses Conference on the Educational Status of the Four- and Five-Year-Old Child, Teachers College, Columbia University, Horace Mann Auditorium [LW9]

1933.04.23 "Dewey Outlines Utopian Schools" published [LW9]

1933.04.28 Radio address over WEVD University of the Air, "Steps to Economic Recovery" [LW9]

1933.04.29 Addresses Teachers Union, Local 5, High School of Commerce, New York, "On the Grievance Committee's Report" [Taft, United They Teach, 34; LW9]

1933.04.** "The Crisis in Education" published [LW9]

1933.04.** "Social Stresses and Strains," review of Recent Social Trends in the United States, published [LW9]

1933.04.** "Congress Faces Its Test on Taxation" published [LW9]

1933.04-? Rand School of Social Science, honorary chairman in charge of fund campaign [New York Times, 1 May 1933, 32]

1933.05.17 Selected as one of ten "greatest Americans," Aristogenic Association

1933.05-? Member, Advisory Committee for Neurological Institute clinic [unpublished paper, Victor N. Bergenn et al., "Myrtle B. McGraw, 1899-1988: A Growth Scientist" (Developmental Psychology)]

1933.05.** "Shall We Abolish School 'Frills'? No" published [LW9]

1933.05.** "The Real Test of the 'New Deal'" published [LW9]

1933.05.** "On the Grievance Committee's Report" published [LW9]

1933.05.27? "I am sailing for Europe this week" [1933.05.24 (07648)]

1933.06.04 Lands in Le Havre [1933.06.06 (08238)]

1933.06.05 Arrives in Vienna via Paris and Switzerland [1933.06.07 (08238)]

1933.06.14 Leaves for St. Gallen in Styrian Alps; arrives 15 June [1933.06.14? (05185); 1933.06.19 (05186)]

1933.06.18 Returns to Vienna [1933.06.19 (05186)]

1933.06.** "Superficial Treatment Must Fail" published [LW9]

1933.07.07 Sails from Europe [1933.06.19 (05186)]

1933.07.12 "To Save the Rand School" published [LW9]

1933.07.17 Returns to New York [1933.07.18 (07992)]

1933.07.** "Why Have Progressive Schools?" published [LW9]

1933.07.** "Inflationary Measures Injure the Masses" published [LW9]

1933.07.22 "Leaving for Hubbards . . . probably Saturday" [1933.07.18 (07992)]

1933.07.** "Two days with the Levinsons at Kennebunk Beach" [1933.07.29 (05187)]

1933.07.27 In Boston; "took the Yarmouth boat" Thursday p.m. [1933.07.29 (05187)]

1933.07.** Drives through New England [1933.07.29 (05187)]

1933.07.28-08.06 In Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1933.07.29 (05187); 1933.08.06 (05189)]

1933.08.16 "A Challenge to Criticism," review of Martin Sch¸tze's Academic Illusions in the Field of Letters and the Arts, published [LW8]

1933.08.** Appointed to advisory committee for University-in-Exile, New School [New York Times, 19 August 1933, 1, 5]

1933.09.05 In Hubbards, Nova Scotia, "leaving here in about a week; home by the 15th" [1933.09.05 (04314)]

1933.09.15 In New York [1933.09.05 (04314)]

1933.09.** "Imperative Need: A New Radical Party" published [LW9]

1933.09.** "Wild Inflation Would Paralyze Nation" published [LW9]

1933.10-? Chairman, Committee to Investigate Samuel Seabury [Dykhuizen, 270]

1933.10.29 Addresses sixtieth session of the First International Assembly of the World Fellowship of Faiths, People's Church, Chicago, "Needed--A New Politics" [LW11]

1933.10.** "Lobby Asks Special Session on Debts" published [LW9]

1933.10.** "Unemployment Committee Asks Adequate Relief" published [LW9]

1933.11.01 "Just returned from Chicago" [1933.11.01 (07678)]

1933.11.09 Invites Sidney Hook to lunch [1933.11.06 (05753)]

1933.11.** "Farm Processing and Other Consumption Taxes Must Be Repealed" published [LW9]

1933.11.15 "Heard a talk from Maurice LÈon" [1933.11.16 (03413)]

1933.12.** Review of Rexford G. Tugwell's The Industrial Discipline and the Governmental Arts published [LW8]

1933.12.** "The Next Session and the People's Lobby" published [LW9]

1933.12.12 Normal Child Development Study Advisory Committee meeting, Dewey presentation [Bergenn, see 1933]

1933.12.18 Chairman of Nobel Centennial Committee; dinner in honor of one hundredth anniversary of birth of Nobel [1933.11.20 (07685)]

1933.12.27 Addresses University Club dinner, Boston, honoring James McKeen Cattell [LW9]

1933.12.27 Addresses American Association for the Advancement of Science, "The Supreme Intellectual Obligation"

1934 Art as Experience published [LW10]

1934 "Contributions to Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences: 'Philosophy'" published [LW8]

1934 "The Activity Movement" published [LW9]

1934 Education and the Social Order published [LW9]

1934 "Introduction to Challenge to the New Deal" published [LW9]

1934 "Introduction to Looking Forward, 1934" published [LW17]

1934 "Introduction to Looking Forward, 1935" published [LW17]

1934 "Clifford Beers" published [LW17]

1934.01.05 Still chairman of Joint Committee on Unemployment [1934.01.05 (07714)]

1934.01.13-14? "Spent the week end at the Barnes Foundation in Merion" [1934.01.16 (07734); 1934.01.18 (05757)]

1934.01.14 Hears "Mr Nabokoff give a talk of some composer" [1934.01.16 (07734)]

1934.01.14 Returns to New York from Boston, "was away all last week" [1934.01.14 (08515); 1934.01.14 (08528)]

1934.01.17-21 Lectures on the Dwight Harrington Terry Foundation, Sprague Memorial Hall, Yale University: "Religions versus the Religious," 17 January; "Emancipation of Faith," 18 January; "Community Life and the Religious Attitude," 19 January, repeated 21 January, United Church at Bridgeport [1934.01.15 (08530)]

1934.01.22 Returns to New York [1934.01.18 (05757)]

1934.01.30 Submits Art as Experience to publisher [1934.02.01 (04328)]

1934.01.** "President's Policies Help Property Owners Chiefly" published [LW9]

1934.01.** "New Deal Program Must Be Appraised" published [LW9]

1934.02.** Honorary chairman of Farmer Labor Political Federation [1934.02.22 (07738)]

1934.02.22 Leaves New York for "educational meetings" in Cleveland [1934.02.22 (07742)]

1934.02.23 Addresses American Association of Teachers Colleges, Cleveland, OH, "Education for a Changing Social Order" [1933.08.22 (08714); LW9]

1934.02.28 In New York [1934.02.28 (07740)]

1934.02.** "The Supreme Intellectual Obligation" published [LW9]

1934.02.** "A Real Test of the Administration" published [LW9]

1934.03.05 Scheduled to lecture at Rand School on Social Philosophy [1933.07.24 (08132)]

1934.03.09-12 In Washington, DC [1934.03.08 (06962)]

1934.03.12 Returns to New York, "have to lecture Monday" on Social Structures at Rand School [1933.07.24 (08132); 1934.03.08 (06962)]

1934.03.19 Scheduled to lecture at Rand School on Social Functions [1933.07.24 (08132)]

1934.03.20 Addresses World Peaceways, Empire State Club

1934.03.** "America's Public Ownership Program" published [LW9]

1934.03.** "Tomorrow May Be Too Late: Save the Schools Now" published [LW9]

1934.04.02 Scheduled to lunch with J. McKeen Cattell at Yale Club [1934.03.29 (07705)]

1934.04.08 Addresses First Humanist Society of New York, Steinway Hall, "Emotion and Religion"; member of advisory board [Smith, "Dewey on the Humanist Movement"; 1934.03.20 (07710)]

1934.04.12-15? "Up the Hudson to Montague's place this weekend" [1934.04.11 (04351)]

1934.04.21 Addresses Joint Committee on Unemployment, Cosmos Club, Washington, DC, broadcast over WRC, "What Keeps Funds Away from Purchasers" [1934.04.11 (04351); LW9]

1934.04.22 Still in Washington [1934.04.20 (04346)]

1934.04.23-25? In Philadelphia with Jane, then Albert Barnes [1934.04.20 (04346)]

1934.04.25 "Intelligence and Power" published [LW9]

1934.04.** "Why I Am Not a Communist" published [LW9]

1934.04.** "A Great American Prophet" published [LW9]

1934.04.** "Education for a Changing Social Order" published [LW9]

1934.04.** "Facing the Era of Realities" published [LW9]

1934.04.** "Meaning, Assertion and Proposal" published [LW9]

1934.05.26 Evelyn Dewey marries Granville Smith [1934.05.13 (04349); 1934.05.26 (07392)]

1934.05.26 Leaves for South Africa on Rex to Gibralter [1934.02.05 (04329); 1934.05.13 (04349); 1934.05.17 (08476)]

1934.05.31 Aboard Rex, arrives in Gibralter [1934.05.31 (05175)]

1934.05-06 "Acquiescence and Activity in Communism," review of Theodore B. H. Brameld's A Philosophic Approach to Communism, published [LW9]

1934.06.01 Leaves from Gibralter [1934.05.31 (05175)]

1934.06.04 Spends some hours in Dakar, Senegal [1934.06.06,13 (05176)]

1934.06.06-13 Aboard Guilio Cesare [1934.06.06,13 (05176)]

1934.06.14 Arrives Capetown; goes up Table Mt. [1934.06.06,13 (05176)]

1934.06.15 Drives to "Good Hope Cape" [1934.06.17 (05177)]

1934.06.16 Leaves Capetown at noon for Durban [1934.06.17 (05177)]

1934.06.17 On way to Durban [1934.06.17 (05177)]

1934.06.21 Leaves Durban [1934.07.02 (05178)]

1934.07.01 Arrives in Capetown by train [1934.07.02 (05178)]

1934.07.02-13 International Conference of the New Education Fellowship in South Africa, Capetown, "The Need for a Philosophy of Education" [LW9]

1934.07.10 "Made my first speech in the evening" [1934.07.11 (05179)]

1934.07.11 "Told some stories this morning" [1934.07.11 (05179)]

1934.07.12 Speaks in Capetown, a "shorter one" [1934.07.11 (05179)]

1934.07.14 Leaves Capetown [1934.07.11 (05179)]

1934.07.15 Arrives Johannesburg [1934.07.11 (05179)]

1934.07.16-27 Addresses Fellowship, Johannesburg Farmer Labor Federation, honorary chairman [Common Sense 3 (December 1934): 3]

1934.07.19 "Motor drive with Am. Consul General & his wife round the town" [1934.07,22,23 (05181)]

1934.07.20 "Evening lecture in the university Hall" [1934.07.22,23 (05181)]

1934.07.21 Dined with Hoernles [1934.07.22,23 (05181)]

1934.07.22 "Breakfast at an American's," "native dance in one of the mine Compounds," "Country Club for luncheon," "to a tea or two" [1934.07.22,23 (05181)]

1934.07.24 Receives honorary degree from Johannesburg University [1934.07.11 (05179); 1934.07.29 (05182)]

1934.07.28 Flies to Victoria Falls, So. Rhodesia [1934.07.29 (05182)]

1934.07.29 "Going up the River in a launch" [1934.07.29 (05182)]

1934.07.31 Flies to Zimbabwe Ruins and Buluwayo [1934.07.29 (05182)]

1934.08.02 Returns to Johannesburg [1934.07.29 (05182)]

1934.08.03 Delivers address to Philosophical Society of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg [1934.07.29 (05182); 1934.08.03 (05183)]

1934.08.04 General Address in Pretoria, S.A. [1934.07.29 (05182)]

1934.08.06 Leaves Johannesburg for coast [1934.08.03 (05183)]

1934.08.19 Plans to take steamer from East London [1934.08.03 (05183)]

1934.08.21-23 Plans to take steamer from Capetown [1934.08.03 (05183)]

1934.09.** "Character Training for Youth" published [LW9]

1934.09.** A Common Faith published [LW9]

1934.10.** "Can Education Share in Social Reconstruction?" published [LW9]

1934.10.15 Lecture at Bennington College, "The Historical and Philosophical Background of Liberalism" [1934.10.09 (07364)]

1934.10.19-21 Weekend with Montagues at Rhinebeck farm [1934.10.22 (05761)]

1934.10.24 Hears representative of Utopians (Mr. Arthur) [1934.10.18 (05790)]

1934.10.25 "Board Meeting Lunch," possibly at Teachers College, celebrating Dewey's 75th birthday [1934.10.22 (05761); Bliven, Five Million Words Later, 300]

1934.11.** "The Need for a Philosophy of Education" published [LW9]

1934.11.** "No Half-Way House for America" published [LW9]

1934.12.** "American Ideals (I): The Theory of Liberty vs. the Fact of Regimentation" published [LW9]

1934.12.05 "Reply to Aubrey and Wieman in 'Is John Dewey a Theist?'" published [LW9]

1934.12.05 Met with Albert C. Barnes [1934.12.06 (04354)]

1934.12.06 Speaks to Single Tax Club, Newark [1934.12.08 (05153)]

1934.12.08 Radio address over WEVD University of the Air, "Radio's Influence on the Mind" [LW9]

1934.12.15 Addresses People's Lobby luncheon, national radio broadcast, Cosmos Club, Washington, DC, "Socialization of Ground Rent" [LW11]

1934.12.15 "Radio's Influence on the Mind" published [LW9]

1934.12.28 Addresses American Philosophical Association, Eastern Division, Washington Square Center of New York University, "The Future of Liberalism" [LW11]

1934.12.29 Grandson John (son of Fred and Elizabeth) dies [1934.12.31 (03422)]

1935 Liberalism and Social Action published [LW11]

1935 "An Empirical Survey of Empiricisms" published [LW11]

1935 "Needed--A New Politics" published [LW11]

1935 Foreword to Albert Coombs Barnes's and Violette de Mazia's The Art of Renoir published [LW11]

1935 Foreword to Carl Christian Jensen's Seventy Times Seven published [LW11]

1935 Foreword to Education in the Soviet Union published [LW11]

1935 Introduction to Myrtle Byram McGraw's Growth: A Study of Johnny and Jimmy published [LW11]

1935 "Introduction to Looking Forward, 1936" published [LW17]

1935 John Dewey Society founded

1935 International Committee for Political Prisoners [Bullert, 132]

1935 National Self Government Committee, Associate Council; still listed in 1952 [1952.06.07 (16093)]

1935 Vice-president, League for Industrial Democracy, 1935-1939

1935.01.04-06 "Going to Gt Neck to stay the weekend" [1935.01.02 (06580)]

1935.01.07 Meeting to elect officers of People's Lobby at JD's home [1934.12.15 (18628)]

1935.01.08-10? Lectured at Philadelphia Museum of Art [1934.11.30 (04350); 1935.01.02 (06580)]

1935.01.16 Radio address, WEVD University of the Air, New York, "The Teacher and the Public" [Dykhuizen, 257; LW11]

1935.01.19-20? "Going to Florida the end of this week" [1935.10.15 (06944)]

1935.01.28 "The Teacher and the Public" published [LW11]

1935.01.28 "Went south on January 28"; JD may have left 19-20 January [1935.02.20 (07750)]

1935.01.30 "The Founder of Pragmatism," review of Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, published [LW11]

1935.01.** "Socialization of Ground Rent" published [LW11]

1935.01.** "The Future of Liberalism" published [LW11]

1935.01.** "The Teacher and His World" published [LW11]

1935.02.** "Future of Liberalism" published [LW11]

1935.02.** "International Cooperation or International Chaos" published [LW11]

1935.02.** "The Crucial Role of Intelligence" published [LW11]

1935.02.17 "Got back from my trip to Fla. yesterday" [1935.02.18 (07778); 1935.02.18 (06966)]

1935.02.20-23 Elected honorary president for the coming year, Progressive Education Association [Progressive Education 12 (March 1935): 211]

1935.02.22 Addresses Department of Superintendence of the National Education Association, New Orleans, "Democracy and Educational Administration" [Dykhuizen, 296]

1935.03.13 "Religions and the 'Religious'" published [LW9]

1935.03.13 Goes skating with daughter Lucy [1935.03.20 (08204)]

1935.03.15 Presents Chapter 1 of Logic to Philosophy Club, New York [1935.03.16 (05766)]

1935.03.17 Visits with John A. Rice [1935.03.20 (04364)]

1935.03.23 Visits Jane at Bryn Mawr [1935.03.20 (04364)]

1935.03.** "Taxation as a Step to Socialization" published [LW11]

1935.03.** "Toward Administrative Statesmanship" published [LW11]

1935.03.28-31 In Washington, DC [1935.03.26 (05767)]

1935.04.** "United, We Shall Stand" published [LW11]

1935.04.16,17,18 Delivers Page-Barbour Foundation Lecture Series, University of Virginia, Madison Hall, "Liberalism": "Liberalism: Its Historical Development," 16 April; "Liberalism: Its Meaning," 17 April; "Liberalism: Its Future," 18 April [1935.03.20 (04364); LW11]

1935.04.19 Leaves Charlottesville [1935.04.13 (04368); 1935.04.28 (05768)]

1935.04.20-21 At Black Mountain College, NC [1935.04.03 (04365)]

1935.04.22? In New York [1935.04.24 (07751)

1935.04.24 "Intimations of Mortality," review of Corliss Lamont's The Illusion of Immortality, published [LW11]

1935.04.25 Speaks to undergraduates at Columbia [1935.04.28 (05768)]

1935.04.29 Speaks at three-day conference on the "The Issues of Modern Art," Dartmouth, "Function of Art in Contemporary Society" [1935.04.28 (05768); 1935.04.28 (08099)]

1935.04-05 "Mystical Naturalism and Religious Humanism" published [LW11]

1935.05.** "Youth in a Confused World" published [LW11]

1935.05.03 "Returned late this afternoon" to New York [1935.05.03 (07760)]

1935.05.29 Leaves Chicago for Green Castle, MO, on Santa Fe railroad [1935.05.29 (05305)]

1935.05-06 "Government and Children" published [LW11]

1935.06.04 Awarded Butler Medal at Columbia commencement [1935.06.06 (04073)]

1935.06.11 Speaks at commencement at Fountain Valley School, Colorado Springs, with Jane [1935.06.15 (05306)]

1935.06.12 Speaks at Cactus Club luncheon, Denver [1935.06.15 (05306)]

1935.06.12 Drives to Estes Park [1935.06.15 (05306)]

1935.06.13 Drives in Rocky Mt. park [1935.06.15 (05306)]

1935.06.15 Back in Green Castle, MO [1935.06.15 (05306)]

1935.06.26 "Bergson on Instinct," review of Henri Bergson's The Two Sources of Morality and Religion, published [LW11]

1935.06.28 Back in New York [1935.06.29 (04074]

1935.06.** "The Need for Orientation" published [LW11]

1935.06.** "Toward a National System of Education" published [LW11]

1935.06.** Honorary chairman, Farmer Labor Political Federation [Common Sense 4 (July 1935): 25]

1935.07.07 In Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1935.06.29 (08599); 1935.07.17 (05769)]

1935 Autumn, "Nature and Humanity," review of Oliver L. Reiser's Philosophy and the Concepts of Modern Science, published [LW11]

1935.08.** Member of preliminary cultural committee of Arts and Crafts of the Three Americas exhibit, Mexico City [Progressive Education 12 (May 1935): 301]

1935.09.01-12 In Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1935.09.01 (05300); 1935.09.12? (05775]

1935.09.20 In New York [1935.09.21 (08237)]

1935.10.10 Leaves to visit Evelyn in Green Castle, MO [1935.10.10 (05776)]

1935.10.10-12 Visits with Jane at Bryn Mawr [1935.10.19? (05303)]

1935.10.13 Visits Albert Barnes in Philadelphia on way to Green Castle [1935.10.21 (07758)]

1935.10.30 Leaves for Cleveland [1935.10.30 (05311)]

1935.11.** "Our Un-Free Press" published [LW11]

1935.11.** "Liberty and Social Control" published [LW11]

1935.11.01-04 In Cleveland; lectures at Cleveland Museum of Art, November 1, "The Place of the Arts in Present Society" [1935.10.19 (05303); 1935.10.30 (05311); 1946.07.24 (13446)]

1935.11.01 Stays with Tom Munro [1935.10.30 (05311)]

1935.11.02-03 Stays with Ruby Matson [1935.10.30 (05311)]

1935.11.06 Returns to New York [1935.11.07 (17508)]

1935.11.14 Plans to meet with Sidney Hook [1935.11.12 (05778)]

1935.12.02,04? Meets with Agnes E. Meyer [1937.12.06 (08106)]

1935.12.19 "Peirce's Theory of Quality" published [LW11]

1935.12.20 "Taking boat to Haiti" with Jane [1935.12.18 (05780); 1936.01.09 (09291)]

1935.12.** "The Meaning of Liberalism" published [LW11]

1935.12.** Review of Alfred M. Bingham's Insurgent America published [LW11]

1936 "The Dewey School: Introduction," "Statements," "Appendix 2" published [LW11]

1936 Foreword to Angelo M. Pellegrini's and Brents Stirling's Argumentation and Public Discussion published [LW11]

1936 "Introduction to Looking Forward, 1937" published [LW11]

1936 Sponsor of New York City Conference of a People's Delegation to Biro-Hidjan [FBI File]

1936.01.06 "Just returned from holiday trip" [Haiti] [1936.01.07 (08209)]

1936.01.14 Radio broadcast, WEVD, New York, "University of the Air" series, "Education and New Social Ideals" [LW11]

1936.01.** "Liberalism and Equality" published [LW11]

1936.01.17 Picks up Jane in Ocala, goes to Silver Springs [1936.01.18 (05312)]

1936.01.18 In Pass-A-Grille Beach, FL [1936.01.18 (05312)]

1936.01.23 In New York [1936.01.23 (08640)]

1936.02.01 Plans to dine with Rices [1936.01.23 (08640); 1936.01.28 (07818)]

1936.02.04-03.03? Evelyn and Granville Smith visit in New York [1936.02.05 (06806); 1936.02.20 (07817); 1936.02.21 (08641)]

1936.02.04 Attends party at Myrtle McGraw's with Fred and Evelyn [1936.02.05 (06806)]

1936.02.09 Goes "with two members of my family to enjoy" Zoltan Sepeshy's pictures on exhibition at Marie Sterner Gallery [1936.02.12 (07801)]

1936.02.12 "The Jameses," review of Ralph Barton Perry's The Thought and Character of William James, published [LW11]

1936.02.23 "A Liberal Speaks Out for Liberalism" published [LW11]

1936.02.24 "Education and New Social Ideals" published [LW11]

1936.02.** "Liberalism and Civil Liberties" published [LW11]

1936.03.02 "Leaving for Black Mt College Black Mt N.C. tonight" [1936.03.02 (06982)]

1936.03.04 Visits Black Mountain College, NC [1936.02.21 (04370); 1936.03.08 (05313)]

1936.03.09-11? Speaks in Asheville "at a missionary normal for mt girls" (Asheville Normal Teachers College); stayed overnight [1936.03.12 (05314)]

1936.03.11 Dinner with "faculty to the parents in the village of the only local student" [1936.03.12 (05314)]

1936.03.12 Elected honorary member of the Humanist Press Association [1936.03.20 (07802)]

1936.03.12-15 Goes with Mr. Rice to Atlanta [1936.03.08 (05313); 1936.03.12 (05314)]

1936.03.19 Leaves Black Mountain [1936.03.19 (06807)]

1936.03.20-? Visits Jane at Bryn Mawr [1936.03.19 (06807)]

1936.03.25 Returns to New York [1936.03.26 (08559)]

1936.03.28 Addresses teachers honoring 70th birthday of Henry R. Linville, Hotel Astor [New York Times, 29 March 1936, 31]

1936.03.** "The Social Significance of Academic Freedom" published [LW11]

1936.04.06 Visits (two days) school in Arthurdale, WV [1936.04.12 (04377); 1936.04.16 (08643)]

1936.04.18 Elected member (three years) of Advisory Council of Black Mountain College [1936.04.18 (08644); Seigfried, "Classical American Philosophy's Invisible Women," 94]

1936.04.30 Leaves for Ann Arbor; addresses fiftieth anniversary of Michigan Schoolmasters' Club, University of Michigan Union, Ann Arbor, "Anniversary Address" [1936.04.29 (05782); 1936.04.30 (07772); Michigan Alumnus (23 May 1936): 418; LW11]

1936.04.** "Henry Linville Pension Fund" published [L11]

1936.05.05 Returns from Ann Arbor [1936.04.29 (05782)]

1936.05.05 Plans to meet with Frank Tannenbaum [1936.04.30 (07772)]

1936.05.07 "Characteristics and Characters: Kinds and Classes" published [LW11]

1936.05.12 "Sailing this evening" for Vienna [1936.05.12 (03429)]

1936.05.21 "What Are Universals?" published [LW11]

1936.05.** "Class Struggle and the Democratic Way" published [LW11]

1936.05-06 "Santayana's Novel," review of George Santayana's The Last Puritan, published [LW11]

1936 Summer, "Religion, Science, and Philosophy," review of Bertrand Russell's Religion and Science, published [LW11]

1936.06.04 "One Current Religious Problem" published [LW11]

1936.06.26 "Ill be home on the Paris, the 26th" [1936.06.12 (06984); 1936.07.01 (11720)]

1936.06.27-30 Attends "brother's golden wedding anniversary in N H[?]," Nashua?; Davis Rich Dewey, anniversary 29 June [1936.07.01 (11720); 1936.07.17 (05783)]

1936.07.02 "Leaving for Utah tomorrow" [1936.07.01 (11720)]

1936.07.07,09 Lectures at Utah State Agricultural College, Logan, UT, "The Philosophy of Learning" [1936.07.08 (05315)]

1936.07.14 Back in New York [1936.07.14 (08627)]

1936.07.20 Writes Introduction to Richard Ward Greene Welling's Self Government and Politics in School [LW11]

1936.07.22 "The Work of George Mead," review of George H. Mead's Mind, Self and Society and Movements of Thought in the Nineteenth Century, published [LW11]

1936.07.25 "Anniversary Address" published [LW11]

1936.07 Sabino in hospital [1936.08.20 (08678)]

1936.07.28-08.29 In Hubbards, Nova Scotia; Sabino "came up here with me" [1936.08.04 (05316); 1936.08.14 (05317); 1936.08.24 (05318)]

1936.08.15 Cocktail party at Hammonds' [1936.08.14 (05317)]

1936.08.30 In New York [1936.08.24 (05318)]

1936.09.01-03? In Cambridge; attends lunch hosted by Jameses, dinner hosted by Agassizs, dinner hosted by President Conant, two concerts by Boston Symphony, three-day "exercises" [1936.09.05 (08239)]

1936.09.04 Addresses Harvard Tercentenary Conference, "Authority and Social Change" [1936.08.04 (05316); LW11]

1936.09.08 In New York [1936.09.08 (07808)]

1936.09.14 "World High Court for Knowledge?" published [LW11]

1936.09.19 In New York [1936.09.19 (09293)]

1936 Committee to back Harry W. Laidler, Socialist Candidate for Governor [New York Times, 14 October 1936, 13]

1936.09.21 Due in Philadelphia to visit Barnes [1936.09.18 (04374)]

1936.09.22? In Merion, PA [1936.09.22 (06989)]

1936.09.26 In Green Castle, MO [1936.09.26 (06990)]

1936.10.07 "How They Are Voting: 2" published [LW11]

1936.10.10 "Authority and Social Change" published [LW11]

1936.10.14 Leaves Green Castle [1936.10.05 (06992)]

1936.10.16 Addresses formal opening of Horace Mann Centennial Celebration, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH, "Education, the Foundation for Social Organization" [Dykhuizen, 296; LW11]

1936.10.16 Participates in panel discussion, Antioch College, "Panel Discussion: Education Today" [LW11]

1936.10.** Signs "Call for the Formation of the American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky"

1936.10.18-19 Plans to be in Cleveland [1936.10.12? (05322)]

1936.10.20 Returns to New York [1936.10.02 (05784); 1936.10.23 (05785)]

1936.10.22 Plans to meet with Myrtle McGraw and Frederick Tilney [1936.10.12? (05322)]

1936.11.05 "Expect to see you [Barnes] Thursday evening" [1936.11.03 (04376)]

1936.11.13 Addresses Eastern States regional meeting of Progressive Education Association, Hotel Pennsylvania, New York, "The Challenge of Democracy to Education" [New York Times, 14 November 1936; LW11]

1936.11.15 Dinner with Alice Davis [1936.11.20 (06466)]

1936.11.17 Evening with J. Ratner and Madeline [1936.11.18 (06465)]

1936.11.** "Horace Mann Today" published [LW11]

1936.12.03 "General Propositions, Kinds, and Classes" published [LW11]

1936.12.09 Addresses New School for Social Research, New York, "Comment on Horace Meyer Kallen's 'What Pragmatism Means for the Social Sciences'" [LW11]

1936.12.09 Joanna Dewey, daughter of Fred and Elizabeth, born [1937.01.03 (08676)]

1936.12.12 Addresses meeting honoring Ossietzky, Coopers Union

1936.12.12 Radio address commemorating 90th anniversary of the Central Synagogue of New York, WJZ

1936.12.19 Speaks at and hosts wedding of Myrtle McGraw and Rudolph F. Mallina; "marriage by contract" on 18 December at County Court House [1937.01.03 (08676)]

1936.12.27-1937.01.01 "Going to Cambridge this afternoon" [1937.12.27 (03437); 1937.01.03 (00171)]

1936.12.29 Paper read at eastern division of American Philosophical Association meeting in Whitehead's honor, Cambridge, "Whitehead's Philosophy" [LW11]

1936.12.** "Rationality in Education" published [LW11]

1937 "Education, the Foundation for Social Organization" published [LW11]

1937 "What Is Learning?" published [LW11]

1937 "Growth in Activity" published [LW11]

1937 "Freedom" published [LW11]

1937 "Introduction to Looking Forward, 1938" published [LW11]

1937 "The Forward View: A Free Teacher in a Free Society" published [LW11]

1937 "An Active, Flexible Personality" published [LW11]

1937 Board of Directors, American Russian Institute [FBI File]

1937.01.01 Back in New York [1937.01.03 (00171)]

1937.01.02? Dinner for Norman Thomas [1937.01.03 (08676)]

1937? Chairman, American Friends of Spanish Democracy [Radest, Toward Common Ground , 265]

1937.01.04 Pro-government Spanish meeting in Madison Square Garden, JD to "preside" [1937.01.03 (08676); 1937.01.04 (05379)]

1937.01.05 Leaves New York for Washington; dines at White House in the evening [1937.01.03 (08676); 1937.01.03 (00171); 1907.01.04 (05379); 1907.01.06 (06478)]

1937.01.06 In Jacksonville "tonight" [1937.01.06 (06478)]

1937.01.07 In Clearwater "early am" [1937.01.06 (06478)]

1937.01.07-02.07? Spends "month" in Pass-A-Grille Beach, FL; expects to leave 6 February [1937.01.08 (06376); 1937.01.30 (05325); 1937.02.19 (04378)]

1937.01.08 Attends movie in St. Petersburg, Camille, starring Greta Garbo

1937.01.09 Evelyn leaving for Kansas City to attend funeral of Granville's father [1937.01.09 (09971); 1937.01.09 (05323)]

1937.01.** "Democracy Is Radical" published [LW11]

1937.01.** "President Hutchins' Proposals to Remake Higher Education" published [LW11]

1937.01.** Review of T. V. Smith's The Promise of American Politics published [LW17]

1937.02.03 "Charles Sanders Peirce," review of Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, published [LW11]

1937.02.07 "Got back [New York] day before yesterday" [1937.02.09 (08677)]

1937.02.16 G. Novack meets with JD to ask him to serve as chairman of Trotsky Commission [1937.02.15 (08838)]

1937.02.19 Leaves for New Orleans [1937.02.19 (04378)]

1937.02.21 Named honorary life member in the Department of Superintendence of National Education Association

1937.02.21 Addresses John Dewey Society, New Orleans, "Education and Social Change" [New York Times, 22 February 1937]

1937.02.22 Addresses General Session of the Department of Superintendence of the National Education Association, New Orleans, certificate of honorary life membership, "Democracy and Educational Administration" [LW11]

1937.02.25 Back in New York [1937.02.25 (07825)]

1937.02.** "The Challenge of Democracy to Education" published [LW11]

1937.03.01 Addresses membership meeting, New School for Social Research, New York, "Declaration of Purposes by the American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky" [1937.03.01 (09172); 1937.03.03 (08805); LW11]

1937.03.03 "Aid for the Spanish Government" published [LW11]

1937.03.07 "Younger Men Are Key" published [LW11]

1937.03.11 "Dinner last night . . . discussion of the Trotsky case" [1937.03.12 (05788)]

1937.03.13 Addresses Curriculum Club, Teachers College, Columbia University, International House

1937.03.16 Plans dinner with Roberta Grant, Alice Davis and Edgar Lee Masters at Gourmet Chinese restaurant [1937.03.11 (06491); 1937.03.** (06490)]

1937.03.29 Plans to dine with Richard Welling [1937.03.09 (08217); 1937.03.11 (08219)]

1937.03.31 "Righting an Academic Wrong" published [LW11]

1937.03.** Committee member (sponsor) for Arthur J. Kraus breach-of-contract case against City College of New York, "Kraus Defence Committee" [1937.04.01 (03444); Churchman 151 (15 March 1937)]

1937.03.** "Whitehead's Philosophy" published [LW11]

1937.03.** "'The Higher Learning in America'" published [LW11]

1937 Ben Leider Memorial Fund, Sponsoring Committee [New Masses 22 (23 March 1937): 1]

1937.04.** "The Educational Function of a Museum of Decorative Arts" published [LW11]

1937.04.02 Leaves for Mexico aboard "Sunshine Special" [1937.04.02 (07864); 1937.04.02 (09297)]

1937.04.05 Arrives in Mexico City [1937.04.05 (05790)]

1937.04.10 "'Either--Or'," review of Zalmen Slesinger's Education and the Class Struggle, published [LW11]

1937.04.10-17 Chairman of the Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials, Mexico City

1937 "Introductory Statement of the Commission of Inquiry" published [LW11]

1937.04.18-19? Leaves Mexico by train, "The Sunshine Special"

1937.04.21 Arrives in St. Louis [1937.04.15 (06616); 1937.04.20 (06997); 1937.04.21 (06622)]

1937.04.21 Addresses American College of Physicians, St. Louis, "The Unity of the Human Being" [LW13]

1937.04.21 "Subject-Matter in Art," review of Walter Abell's Representation and Form, published [LW11]

1937.04.22-05.06 In Green Castle, MO [1937.04.22 (05326); 1937.05.02 (04381); 1937.05.02 (05327); 1937.05.08 (04382)]

1937.04.28 "The Future of Democracy" published [LW11]

1937 Henry George School of Economics, honorary president [Social Frontier 4 (November 1937): 68]

1937.05.06 Returns to New York [1937.05.08 (04382)]

1937.05.08 Meets with Alexander Gumberg [1937.05.11 (06631); 1937.05.11 (08830)]

1937.05.09 Speaks at Mecca Temple, New York, "Truth Is on the March" [1937.05.02 (05327); LW11]

1937.05.14 Visits "Forms of Art Exhibition," Philadelphia [LW17]

1937.05.19 Meets with Alfred Rosmer, Pearl Kluger, and the Max Eastmans [1937.05 20 (08808)]

1937.05.22-23 Addresses Conference on Methods in Philosophy and the Sciences, New School for Social Research, New York, "Methods in Philosophy and the Sciences"; elected honorary president [Journal of Philosophy 34 (1937): 559-60; LW 17]

1937.05.23 "Planned to visit my family in Great Neck" [1937.05.27 (07831)]

1937.05.** "Education and Social Change" published [LW11]

1937.05.** Review of Stephen Spender's Forward from Liberalism published [LW11]

1937.06.04 ìToday Im leaving for Cincinnatiî [1937.06.04 (08546)]

1937.06.04-18 Lectures at University of Cincinnati Teachers College; stays at Vernon Manor Hotel [1937.06.12 (05328); 1937.06.16 (06001)]

1937.06.07 Lunches with "dignitaries" [1937.06.06. (06644)]

1937.06.12 Visits Miami University, Oxford, OH [1937.06.12 (06646)]

1937.06.15 Lunch at Cincinnati Club [1937.06.16 (06653)]

1937.06.15 Party at Dr. Heller's [1937.06.16 (06653)]

1937.06.16 Lunch with group interested "in single tax" [1937.06.16 (06653)]

1937.06.16 Visits Jewish theological seminary [1937.06.16 (06653)]

1937.07.17 "To meet about a dozen negroes in my class Thursday noon," Cincinnati [1937.06.14 (06649); 1937.06.16 (06653); 1937.06.17 (06654)]

1937.06.19 In Green Castle, MO [1937.06.14 (06000); 1937.06.20 (05330)]

1937.06.25 ìAm returning todayî to New York [1937.06.25 (09298)]

1937.06.27 ìGot back last Sundayî [1937.07.01 (06661)]

1937.07.08 Leaves for Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1937.07.16 (05329)]

1937.07.** In Boston [1937.07.16 (05329); 1937.09.07 (05333)]

1937.07.15-09.14 In Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1937.07.15 (06002); 1937.09.07 (05333); 1937.09.19 (04385)]

1937.09.16 Returns to New York [1937.09.17 (08400); 1937.09.17 (09301); 1937.09.22 (08488)]

1937.09.18-20 Attends plenary sessions of Commission of Inquiry [1937.10.01 (09195)]

1937.09.30 Dinner with Neva and Joe Ratner [1937.09.25 (07420)]

1937 Winter, "The Philosophy of William James," review of Ralph Barton Perry's The Thought and Character of William James, published [LW11]

1937.10.04 Attends ìDewey-LaFollette-DeSilver supperî; presented with gavel from Trotsky Commission hearings [1937.10.05 (08811)]

1937.10.07 "Moving-to another apt in same building-on the 8th"; "moved Thursday" [7 October] [1937.07.01 (06661); 1937.09.27 (06680); 1937.10.09 (06681)]

1937.10.16 Visits with Sidney Hook [1937.10.18 (08814)]

1937.10.31 Attends Halloween party at home of Anita Brenner and David Glusker [Hook, S. Glusker]

1937.11.28 Addresses memorial meeting for F. C. S. Schiller at Second Conference of Methods in Philosophy and the Sciences, New School for Social Research, New York, "Tribute to F. C. S. Schiller" [LW11]

1937.12.** "Liberalism in a Vacuum," review of Walter Lippmann's An Inquiry into the Principles of the Good Society, published [LW11]

1937.12.** Marcus Graham Freedom of the Press Committee [Man 5 (December 1937): 3]

1937.12.12 Evelyn plans to be in New York [1937.12.08? (06686)]

1937.12.12 Commission of Inquiry, addresses mass meeting, Hotel Center, New York [1937.11.20 (08820); 1937.12.14 (09197)]

1937.12.13 Radio address, with Corliss Lamont, CBS, on Commission of Inquiry findings, "The Moscow Trials" [New York Times, 14, 15 December 1937; LW11]

1937.12.19 "Significance of the Trotsky Inquiry," interview with Agnes E. Meyer, published [LW11]

1937.12 Honorary president, Friends of Art and Education [1937.12.24 (04392)]

1937.12.31 JD and Jane leave for Florida, drive down coast [1937.12.28 (07580); 1937.12.30 (08578); 1938.01.04 (05335)]

1937-1938 Cooperative Book Club, member of National Advisory Committee [Social Frontier 4 (December 1937): 91]; sponsor [Common Sense 7 (June 1938)]

1938 Sponsor of American Committee for Anti-Nazi Literature [FBI File]

1938 Logic: The Theory of Inquiry published [LW12]

1938 Experience and Education published [LW13]

1938 "The Determination of Ultimate Values or Aims through Antecedent or A Priori Speculation or through Pragmatic or Empirical Inquiry" published [LW13]

1938 "Democracy and Education in the World of Today" published [LW13]

1938 "To Those Who Aspire to the Profession of Teaching" published [LW13]

1938 Foreword to David Lindsay Watson's Scientists Are Human published [LW13]

1938 "Report on 'Forms of Art Exhibition' at the Pennsylvania Museum of Art" published [LW17]

1938.01.** "In Defense of the Mexican Hearings" published [LW13]

1938.01.04 In Key West until "end" of February, at 1724 Flagler Ave.; Jane buys house at 408 Greene St.? [1938.01.04 (05335); 1938.02.03 (04396); 1938.02.08 (05339); 1938.02.09 (06012); 1939.02.02 (07972)]

1938.02.24 Leaves Key West by train for Atlantic City [1938.02.18 (06014)]

1938.02.26? Addresses National Society for the Study of Education, American Association of School Administrators, Atlantic City, "The Relation of Science and Philosophy as the Basis of Education" [1938.02.08 (05339); 1938.02.19 (05341); LW13]

1938.02.** "Does Human Nature Change?" published [LW13]

1938.03.01 Addresses American Association of School Administrators, Kappa Delta Pi Lecture, Atlantic City, Chelsea Hotel, "Experience and Education" [1938.02.19 (05341)]

1938.03.02-03 In New York [1938.02.18 (06014); 1938.03.03 (08474)]

1938.03.03 ìGo back to Flo. tonightî [1938.03.03 (08474)]

1938.04.07 Signs petition of Friends of Spanish Democracy to end Spanish embargo [Daily Worker, 8 April 1938, 4]

1938.04.09 "The Relation of Science and Philosophy as the Basis of Education" published [LW13]

1938.04.19 Leaves Key West by train [1938.04.13 (05344)]

1938.04.21 Arrives New York, a.m. [1938.04.13 (05344)]

1938.04.21 Address at New York University, seventh annual James Arthur Lecture, "Time and Individuality" [1938.04.13 (05344); LW14]

1938.05.** "Personal interview with Schilpp this week" [1938.05.20 (09210)]

1938.05.** "What Is Social Study?" published [LW13]

1938.05.25 "Looking forward to seeing you [H. Kallen] on the evening of the 25th" [1938.05.19 (08489)]

1938.05.28 Leaves for Great Neck, NY [1938.05.27 (06020)]

1938.07.05 Leaves to visit Jane at Woods Hole, Falmouth, MA [1938.07.04 (06025)]

1938.07.14 In Falmouth, MA [1938.07.14 (05345); 1938.07.14 (06027)]

1938.07.20 Returns to New York [1938.07.14 (05345); 1938.07.14 (06027); 1938.07.19 (06028)]

1938.07.20 Lucy and Carl arrive from Vienna [1938.07.26 (06029)]

1938.07.28 Leaves by boat for Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1938.07.26 (06029); 1938.07.27 (09307)]

1938.08.** "Means and Ends" published [LW13]

1938.08.07 Jane visits JD in Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1938.08.11 (05346)]

1938.08.18-22 Evelyn and Granville visit JD in Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1938.08.21 (05347)]

1938.09.13 Leaves Hubbards, Nova Scotia, for New York [1938.09.01 (06032); 1938.09.04 (06759); 1938.09.11 (09308)]

1938.09.** Lucy moves to Green Castle, MO, with Evelyn and Granville; Carl Martin enters Fountain Valley School near Colorado Springs

1938.09.17 On list of American Society for Cultural Relations with U.S.S.R., propagandist for Russia [DNA, RG 165 (War Dept.), Military Intelligence Div.]

1938.09.23-10.09? In Green Castle, MO [1938.10.07 (05349)]

1938.10.09 Leaves Green Castle, "driving back to New York" [1938.10.08 (09309)]

1938.10.10 Granted ìgrand cordon bleuî honor from the Government of China [1938.10.28 (09366)]

1938.10.14 In New York [1938.10.07 (05349)]

1938.10.24 Addresses 60th anniversary of the Ethical Culture Schools, "Democracy and Education in the World of Today," first annual Felix Adler lecture, meeting house of the New York Society for Ethical Culture [New York Times, 25 October 1938]

1938.10.27 Plans to meet with Paul Schilpp [1938.10.24 (09209)]

1938.11.02 Attends funeral service for B. Vladeck in auditorium of Jewish Daily Forward

1938.11.** Meets with W. Norton about ìbook projectî [1938.11.10 (04817)]

1938.11.13 Addresses Washington Dance Association, Phillips Memorial Gallery, Washington, DC, "The Philosophy of the Arts" [LW13; 1938.11.01 (06762)]

1938.11.21 Addresses Philosophy Forum, Princeton University, Engineering Building, "Judgment Values" [Daily Princetonian, 22 November 1938, 1]

1938.12.** "Education, Democracy, and Socialized Economy" published [LW13]

1938.12.27 Leaves for Florida with Jane [1938.12.23 (04400); 1939.01.03 (06770)]

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