Vita di J. Dewey
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Chronology of John Dewey'sLife and Work
The Center for Dewey Studies, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
1939 Freedom and Culture published [LW13]

1939 Theory of Valuation published [LW13]

1939 "The Economic Basis of the New Society" published [LW13]

1939 "The Unity of the Human Being" published [LW13]

1939 "Experience, Knowledge and Value: A Rejoinder" published [LW14]

1939 "I Believe" published [LW14]

1939 Introduction to James's Talks to Teachers on Psychology published [LW14]

1939 Introduction to Cowdry's Problems of Ageing published [LW14]

1939 Foreword to Clapp's Community Schools in Action published [LW14]

1939 Foreword to Johnson's Mars in Civilian Disguise! published [LW14]

1939 President, League for Industrial Democracy

1939 Honorary president, Conference on Methods in Philosophy and the Sciences [1939.06.29 (04408)]

1939.01.03 Arrives in Key West, 408 Greene St., stops in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Williamsburg [1939.01.03 (06770); 1939.01.11 (05350)]

1939.01.03 Dinner with Otto Kienbusch [1939.01.03 (06770)]

1939.01.28? Dinner with Boardman Robinsons [1939.01.28? (06934)]

1939.01.31 Sponsor of appeal to lift the Spanish Embargo [New York Times, 31 January 1939]

1939.02.06 "Message to Friends of the John Dewey Labor Research Fund" read at benefit performance of "What a Life!", New York, Mansfield Theater [Workers Age, 28 January 1939, 2; LW14]

1939.02.22 Still in Key West [1939.02.22 (04398)]

1939.03.** "'No Matter What Happens--Stay Out'" published [LW14]

1939.03.03 "Going to Homestead Fair" [1939.03.01 (06790)]

1939.03.05 Bradley and Marguerite Dewey visit [1939.03.15 (05353)]

1939.03.16 Dinner with the Bruces [1939.03.15 (05353)]

1939.04.01 Still in Key West

1939.04.27 In New York [1939.04.27 (06857)]

1939.04.30 Attends reception in his honor given by Delta Psi fraternity, Burlington

1939.04.30 Addresses John Dewey Club, Burlington, "The Changes in the Teaching of Philosophy in the Past Sixty Years"

1939.04.30 Addresses Burlington Rotary Club [Vermont Alumnus 18 (June 1939)]

1939.05.01 Founder's Day Address at University of Vermont, "Education: 1800-1939" [Vermont Cynic, 1 May 1939, 1; LW14]

1939.05.01 John Dewey portrait by Edwin B. Child presented to University of Vermont [Vermont Alumnus 18 (June 1939)]

1939.05.14 Announces formation of Committee for Cultural Freedom, chairman [New York Times, 15 May 1939, 13]

1939.05.16 Radio address, "Interpretive Discussion of Newspaper Stories From Their Economic Standpoints," WHN [1939.05.16 (06048); New York Times, 16 May 1939, 26]

1939.05.17 Plans to meet A. Meyer at "the Plaza on the 17th" [1939.04.11 (08186)]

1939.05.25 Meets with Franz Boas and Sidney Hook

1939.05.** Freedom for Fred E. Beal committee [New Republic 99 (31 May 1939); New Leader 22 (17 June 1939): 2]

1939.06.** Director, Friends of Democracy [New Leader 22 (11 March 1939): 2; ibid. 22 (1 July 1939): 7; ibid. 22 (9 June 1941): 804]

1939.06-1952 Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, Columbia

1939.06.01 Reelected as member of Advisory Council of Black Mountain College [1939.06.01 (08658)]

1939.06.06? Attends granddaughter Elizabeth Annís graduation from Bryn Mawr [1939.05.29 (04404)]

1939.06.10 Participates in ceremonies at Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA) honoring Percy Hughes [1939.05.15? (08662); 1939.05.23 (03468)]

1939.06.14 "The Committee for Cultural Freedom" published [LW14]

1939.07.**-08.28 In Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1939.07.09 (09227); 1939.08.20 (06883); 1939.08.24 (05356); 1939.08.25 (06084); 1939.08.27 (06085)]

1939.07.** Review of Charles A. Beard's and Mary R. Beard's America in Midpassage published [LW14]

1939.07.** Wolfgang Carl Brandauer, Lucy's husband, arrives from Vienna; lives in Binghamton, works as "service station supervisor for Chrysler Co"; moves to Syracuse [1940.02.19 (08683); 1941.02.23? (08689)]

1939.10.09 Moves to 1 W. 89th St. [1939.10.05 (06088)]

1939.10.10-11.11 "Probably leave for the ranch [Green Castle, MO]. . . be gone about three weeks" [1939.10.05 (06088); 1939.10.10 (08226); 1939.10.26 (04418); 1939.11.05 (05359); 1939.12.14 (04420)]

1939.10.13 Message read at first public meeting of Committee for Cultural Freedom, New York, Town Hall, "'Democratic Ends Need Democratic Methods for Their Realization" [LW14]

1939.10.21 "Democratic Ends Need Democratic Methods for Their Realization" published [LW14]

1939.10.** Various 80th birthday celebrations

1939.10.** American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born [New Republic 101 (15 November 1939): 116; 1939.10.26 (17310)]

1939.10.29-11.01 "Got away [from Green Castle] towards noon yesterday" for trip to Ozarks, Arkansas, Kansas City, etc. [1939.10.30 (06909); 1939.11.02 (06910]

1939.10.31 Stayed overnight in Kansas City with Granville's mother [1939.11.02 (06910)]

1939 Council Against Intolerance in America, member [An American Answer to Intolerance, Teacher's Manual No. 1, Council Against Intolerance in America, New York, 1939]

1939.11.08 Plans to leave Green Castle [1939.11.02 (06910); 1939.11.05 (05359)]

1939.11.11 In New York [1939.11.12 (07041); 1939.11.12 (08568); 1939.11.22 (05360)]

1939.11-12 Foreword to Educational Trends published [LW14]

1939.11.17 Attends Philosophical Club meeting [1939.11.18 (07042)]

1939.12.04 Plans to attend Ice Follies with Richard Welling [1939.10.23 (08227); 1939.10.30 (08229)]

1939.12.09 In Merion, PA? [1939.11.30 (04417)]

1939.12.10? "Got back from Phila late last night" [1939.12.11? (06933)]

1939.12.12 Invites J. Ratner to lunch [1939.12.07 (07048)]

1939.12.20 Receives Order of the Jade from Dr. Tsune-chi Yu, Hampshire House [New York Times, 21 December 1939, 20]

1939.12.27 Attends American Philosophical Association, Columbia University, Paul Carus lectures honoring JD, Harkness Academic Theatre; dinner at City Club [1939.12.22 (08319)]

1939.12.28 Addresses American Philosophical Association, Columbia University, "Nature in Experience," symposium with William Hocking and Morris Cohen; special session in honor of JD's 80th birthday [LW14; New York Times, 29 December 1939, 17]

1939.12.28 Annual dinner of American Philosophical Club, Faculty Club, Columbia University [New York Times, 24 December 1939; ibid., 29 December 1939, 17]

1939.12.** "The Basis for Hope" published [LW14]

1939.12.** "Higher Learning and War" published [LW14]

1939 "Creative Democracy--The Task Before Us" published [LW14]

1940 "Presenting Thomas Jefferson" published [LW14]

1940 On Barnes's committee for project to erect a memorial to James A. Bland in Merion; plan never materialized [Cantor, Barnes Foundation, 79]

1940 National Committeeman for Friends of Democracy, Inc. [FBI File]

1940 Discusses idea of establishing a National Youth Center and Year Round Hostel with Eleanor Roosevelt et al. [Report of Planning Board prepared by Candace Stone, Chairman, May, 1940]

1940.01.08 Leaves for Key West [1940.01.08 (04424); 1940.01.08 (13261); 1940.01.08 (08671)]

1940.01.12? Granville and Evelyn arrive in Key West; Granville ill [1940.01.13 (09488); 1940.01.17 (07055)]

1940.01.24 "Barnes Foundation shall pay in equal quarterly installments to John Dewey, the sum of Five thousand dollars ($5,000) per annum, for the balance of his life" [1939.12.06 (06914); Cantor, Barnes Foundation, 202]

1940.02.15 "The Meaning of the Term: Liberalism" published [LW14]

1940.02.20 Adrienne Dewey (Shirley Marion Hume) born at East Chester, Nova Scotia [1948.04.28 (10731)]

1940.02.28? "Lucy and Jane came down [Key West] last week" [1940.03.06 (09621);1940.03.08? (13029)]

1940.03.** Granville and Evelyn leave Key West [1940.03.08? (13029)]

1940.03.** "Nature in Experience" published [LW14]

1940.03.** Review of Douglas Clyde Macintosh's Social Religion published [LW14]

1940.03.20 "Katrina . . . having a farewell cocktail party for us" [1940.03.20 (15195)]

1940.03.22-24? Leaves Key West [1940.03.20 (05372)]

1940.03.25 At "tourist home in Windsor Va" [1940.03.27 (09966)]

1940.03.26 Arrives in New York [1940.03.27 (09966); 1940.03.27 (07037)]

1940.03.28 Attends "P E N N dinner" [1940.03.27 (09966); 1940.03.29 (09965)]

1940.04.02 Honorary chairman, Committee for Cultural Freedom [1940.04.02 (13292)]

1940.04.03 "Russell as a Moral Issue" published [LW14]

1940.04.25 Arrives in Washington, DC, for radio address, WMAL, "Art as Our Heritage," arranged by Section of Fine Arts of the Public Buildings Administration, Federal Works Agency; stays at Cosmos Club [Washington Post, 26 April 1940, sec. II, 15; 1953.11.26? (14552); 1954.04.22 (17349); 1940.04.25 (09634); 1940.04.24 (09633); LW14]

1940.04.26 "Mr Watson is taking me . . . to see the murals in Washington buildings" [1940.04.25 (09634)]

1940.04.28 Expects to attend "Conference" and see Bentley [1940.04.19 (15196); 1940.04.22 (09631)]

1940.04.29 "Art as Our Heritage" published [LW14]

1940.04.** Member, Academic Freedom-Bertrand Russell Committee

1940.05.06 "Investigating Education" published [LW14]

1940.05.07 Dinner with Bradens, Neilsons, Ada Comstock, George Bacon and friends [1940.05.08 (09639)]

1940.05.08 Speaks at Wellesley College, ìMan and the Sciencesî [1940.05.08 (09639); 1940.05.06 (13208); Wellesley College News, 2 May 1940, 1; ibid., 10 May 1940, 3, 8]

1940.05.08 Dinner with Wellesley faculty [1940.05.08 (09639)]

1940.05.10 Sits for painting by Edward B. Lincott [1940.05.08 (09639)]

1940.05.10 Luncheon with Earle Balch [1940.05.08 (09639)]

1940.05.14 "Censorship Not Wanted" published [LW14]

1940.05.15 "'Contrary to Human Nature'" published [LW14]

1940.05.21 Lunch with Schneider, Joe Ratner, and other assistant [1940.05.21 (09641)]

1940.05.23 Review of Max C. Otto's The Human Enterprise published [LW14]

1940.06.02 "Going to the Bergers at two this afternoon so he can finish up his clay modelling" [1940.06.02 (09646)]

1940.06.02 "Went down to Washington Square" and "to Sees for dinner" with Bergers [1940.06.02 (09646)]

1940.06.03 Attends Woodbridge's funeral at Columbia Chapel [1940.06.02,03 (09646); 1940.06.03 (9649)]

1940.06.07 "I am leaving for the west today" [1940.06.07 (13237); 1940.06.07 (13265)]

1940.06.10-11 Attends grandson Carl's graduation in Colorado Springs [1940.06.02 (09646); 1940.06.25 (08685)]

1940.06.15 "The Case for Bertrand Russell" published [LW14]

1940.06.** In Green Castle, MO, with Jane [1940.06.25 (08685)]

1940.06.24 Leaves Missouri [1940.06.24 (08686)]

1940.06.25 In New York [1940.06.25 (08685)]

1940.06.27 Lunch with Joe Ratner [1940.06.28 (09654)]

1940.06.28 Lunch with Joe Ratner and "other asst" [1940.06.28 (09654)]

1940.07.08-12 Lectures at Columbia University, part of "The Arts and Sciences Today" [New York Times, 31 December 1939, 6; 1940.07.05 (09658)]

1940.08.13? "Luncheon to discuss getting refugees. . . out of France, Portugal" [1940.08.16 (09670)]

1940.08.18 In Huntington with Jane [1940.08.23 (09673)]

1940.08.23 Goes to Gt. Neck "to get Lucy and Carl" [1940.08.23 (09673); 1940.08.26 (09674)]

1940.08.24 Committee to back Socialist candidates Norman Thomas and Maynard Krueger [New York Times, 25 August 1940]

1940.08.26-09.15? In Northport, Long Island, NY? [1940.08.26 (09674); 1940.09.06 (13667); 1940.09.10 (14025)]

1940.08.31 "The Techniques of Reconstruction," review of Karl Mannheim's Man and Society in an Age of Reconstruction, published [LW14]

1940.09 "Member of advisory board of Dr. Potter's First Humanist Society" [1940.09.12 (13676)]

1940.09.26-30 Back in Northport, NY (for weekend?) [1940.09.26 (09676)]

1940.09.30 In New York, "came back Monday" [1940.10.03 (07063)]

1940.10.05 "Statement on Academic Freedom" published [LW14]

1940.10.20 Family birthday party [1940.10.16 (07065)]

1940.10.24 "The Vanishing Subject in the Psychology of James" published [LW14]

1940.11.13 Addresses New York Board of Education against school time for church study [New York Times, 14 November 1940, 1; Tablet, 16 November 1940, 1, 22; Dykhuizen, 276]

1940.11.17 Lunch with Tom and Lucile Munro [1940.11.19 (09688); 1940.12.09 (13438)]

1940.11.18 Honorary chairman of Joint Campaign for Political Refugees [1940.11.18 (13214); New Leader, 7 December 1940, 5,7]

1940.11.28 Addresses 35th anniversary of League for Industrial Democracy, New York, Hotel Edison, "Address of Welcome to the League for Industrial Democracy" [1940.11.17 (14507); New York Times, 30 November 1940, 16; LW14]

1940.12? In Binghamton [1940.12.06 (09694)]

1940.12.06 Attends "dinner for Madam Balabanoff" [1940.12.06 (09694)]

1940.12.12? "Going to Phila & Washington tomorrow" [1940.12.05 (13427); 1940.12.11 (13436)]

1940.12.16? Returns to New York [1940.12.05 (13437); 1940.12.11? (13436)]

1940.12.19 "Going to Key West on the 19th" with Jane [1940.12.10 (13504); 1940.12.16 (09394); 1940.12.17 (09691)]

1940.12.20-23 "3 days in Wilmington N C," car problems [1940.12.25? (05369); 1940.12.26 (09702)]

1940.12.24? In Key West with Jane [1940.12.25 (05369)]

1940.12? Robert Grant dies?

1941 "My Philosophy of Law" published [LW14]

1941 "The Philosophy of Whitehead" published [LW14]

1941 "Social Realities versus Police Court Fictions" published [LW14]

1941 "Address of Welcome to the League for Industrial Democracy" published [LW14]

1941 Introduction to The Bertrand Russell Case published [LW14]

1941 "Letter in Introduction to Don't Be Afraid!" published [LW15]

1941 Honorary president, League for Industrial Democracy; continues at least through 1944 [1944.11.29 (13968)]

1941 Chairman of Committee on Cultural Relations with Latin America [FBI File]

1941 National sponsor of New World Re-Settlement Fund [FBI File]

1941 Still member of Council Against Intolerance in America [FBI File]

1941 Sponsors Committee for a Boycott Against Japanese Aggression [FBI File]

1941 Sponsors National Boycott Against Aggressor Nations [FBI File]

1941 Signs petition to discontinue American Committee for Democratic and Intellectual Freedom [FBI File]

1941.01.18? Jim Farrell arrives in Key West [1941.01.20,22? (09718)]

1940.01.20? Jane arrives in Key West [1941.01.13 (09715); 1941.01.20,22? (09718)]

1941.01.20? Dinner with Jim Farrell [1941.01.20,22? (09718)]

1941.01.22 Professor Howard Smith [retired from University of Wisconsin] dies in Key West [1941.01.23 (14026)]

1941.01 Jane buys house at 630 Dey St. in Key West; Granville oversees remodeling [1941.01.25 (09719)]

1941.02.07 Jane leaves Key West for New York; "she is teaching but comes down in her vacations" [1941.01.20,22 (09718); 1941.02.14 (05366)]

1941.02.** Jim Farrell in Key West; leaves early in February (either 3rd or 10th) [1941.02.14 (09588)]

1941.02.26 Evelyn and Granville visiting in Key West, "leave a week from tomorrow" [1941.02.26 (14313)]

1941.03.06 Granville and Evelyn leave Key West [1941.02.21? (09589)]

1940.03 Barmines staying at 408 Greene St. [1941.03.02? (09599); 1941.03.12 (05367)]

1941.03.21 Still in Key West [1941.03.21 (14314)]

1941.03.27 "Propositions, Warranted Assertibility, and Truth" published [LW14]

1941.04.** "James Marsh and American Philosophy" published [LW5]

1941.04 Jane still in New York [1941.04.07 (09735)]

1941.04.20 "I came Sunday" to Miss Bishop's [1941.04.25 (05368)]

1941.04.22 Legionaire Convention in Key West [1941.04.02? (09731); 1941.04.25 (05368)]

1941.04.28 or 29? Moves to 630 Dey St., Key West [1941.04.18 (09737); 1941.04.25 (05368)]

1941.05.04 Jane in Washington attending scientific meeting, staying at the Raffels' [1941.05.04 (09740)]

1941.05.? Roberta to have operation [1941.05.02 (09739); 1941.05.04 (09740)]

1941.05.? Staying "at Miss Bishops . . . till I leave"; getting mail at Dey St.? [1941.05.07? (09741)]

1941.05.11 "Am leaving [Key West] tomorrow" [1941.05.10 (09401)]

1941.05.14 "Got home last evening" [1941.05.15 (09402)]

1941.05.? "Been to Great Neck" [1941.05.20? (09744)]

1941.05.21? Going to Modern Museum with Fred, Elizabeth, Jane, and Louise Crane [1941.05.20? (09744)]

1941.05.** "The Basic Values and Loyalties of Democracy" published [LW14]

1941.06.** "For a New Education" published [LW14]

1941.07.02 In New York [1941.07.02 (13785)]

1941.07.15 "Leaving for Hubbards Nova Scotia in a day" [1941.07.14 (14035)]

1941.08.09 In Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1941.08.09 (13707)]

1941.08.23 Message read at twenty-fifth anniversary dinner of the American Federation of Teachers, Detroit, MI, "Dewey Greets Teachers Union" [LW14]

1941.09.14 Still in Hubbards [1941.09.14 (14370)]

1941.09.23 Official unveiling of Portnoy bust at University of Chicago; moved from Education Library in Judd Hall to Benton Center for Curriculum and Instruction in 1970 [Report from the Benton Center for Curriculum and Instruction, University of Chicago, Winter 1992, Vol. V, No. 1]

1941.09.25 "The Objectivism-Subjectivism of Modern Philosophy" published [LW14]

1941.10.** Review of The Philosophy of George Santayana published [LW14]

1941.10.** Introduction to American Journal of Economics and Sociology published [LW14]

1941.10.** "Dewey Greets Teachers Union" published [LW14]

1941.10.03-05? In Burlington, VT, with Jane [1941.10.06 (09763)]

1941.10.05? Roberta's mother dies [1941.10.06 (09762)]

1941.10.07 In New York [1941.10.07 (14036)]

1941 Member of faculty council, New School for Social Research [FBI File]

1941.10.21 In Green Castle, MO [1941.10.20 (07072); 1941.10.21 (14323)]

1941.11.14 In Green Castle, MO; "I return in a few days" [1941.11.14 (14320)]

1941.11.16 "Leaving for home [New York] today" [1941.11.16 (09407)]

1941.11.23 Paper presented at Conference on Methods in Philosophy and the Sciences, New School for Social Research, New York, "William James as Empiricist" [LW15]

1941.12.07 Address at Cooper Union, New York, "Lessons from the War--in Philosophy" [1941.12.10 (14317); LW14]

1941.12.12-14? "Have been with Barnes at his new country place over week end" [1941.12.15 (13749)]

1941.12.16 Meets with Joe Ratner and Baker [1941.12.16 (07081)]

1941.12.20 "Leaving for Key West this week" with Jane [1941.12.15 (13749); 1941.12.16 (13430)]

1941.12.22 Arrives in Key West [1941.12.22 (09967)]

1942 Member of Advisory Board of Sociometry [1942.03.24 (14382)]

1942 "William James as Empiricist" published [LW15]

1942 "Foreword to S. O. Levinson and the Pact of Paris" published [LW15]

1942 "Introduction to The Little Red School House" published [LW15]

1942 "Why I Selected 'Democracy and America'" published [LW15]

1942 National Committeeman of International Rescue and Relief Committee [FBI File; Wetzel, American Rescue, 119-20]

1942 National Committeeman of Civil Rights Defense Committee [FBI File]

1942 Sponsors Workers Defense League [FBI File]

1942.01.** In Key West [1942.01.11 (07091)]

1942.01.** Jane leaves for New York [1942.01.** (01323)]

1942.01.10 Paper read by Carl Boegholt at University of Wisconsin in celebration of the centenary of William James's birth, "William James and the World Today" [LW15]

1942.01.11 "Russia's Position" published [LW15]

1942.01.15 "How Is Mind to Be Known?" published [LW15]

1942.01.15? Jane "coming back about the 15th" [1942.01.01? (01324)]

1942.01.17 "Mission to Moscow Reveals No New Evidence on Soviet Trials" published [LW15]

1942.01.20 ìWriting this in Miamiî [1942.01.20 (15216)]

1942.01.** Granville and Evelyn visit in Key West [1942.01.** (01323); 1942.01.22 (09792)]

1942.03.** Sponsors National Share Croppers Week [FBI File]

1942.03.05 Granville and Evelyn "expect to leave the 4th of March," "are leaving Thursday" [1942.02.18 (09796); 1942.03.01 (09799); 1942.03.04 (09802)]

1942.03 Jane in bed with flu [1942.03.19 (05381)]

1942.04.15 "Dr. Dewey on Our Relations with Russia" published [LW15]

1942.04.25 Leaves Key West [1942.04.23 (09414); 1942.04.28 (15224)]

1942.04.26 In New York [1942.04.27 (09415); 1942.05.01 (13310)]

1942.05.15 "The Case of Odell Waller" published [LW15]

1942.05.18 Addresses Hollins College Centennial, Hollins College, VA, "Religion and Morality in a Free Society" [1942.04.** (09815); LW15]

1942.05.21 "Inquiry and Indeterminateness of Situations" published [LW15]

1942.06.04 "The Ambiguity of 'Intrinsic Good'" published [LW15]

1942.07.25 "Dewey Hails Editorial on United Command" published [LW17]

1942.08 Member of American Society for Aesthetics [1942.07.20 (13439); 1942.08.08 (13442)]

1942.08.15 "What Kind of a World Are We Fighting to Create?" published [LW17]

1942.08.18 Jane "going out to Jamaica yesterday" [1942.08.18,19 (09853)]

1942.08.18-27 "Going to my brothers in [New London] N H tomorrow; gone the rest of this week" [1942.08.17 (13084); 1942.08.18,19 (09853); 1942.08.21,22 (09850)]

1942.08.27 "Got back from my brothers day before yesterday" [1942.08.29 (15241)]

1942.08.28 In New York [1942.08.28 (14134)]

1942.08.31 John Dewey, Jr. (Lewis Robert Hume), born at Halifax

1942.08.31 Meets with Henry Fowles Pringle [1942.08.27 (13867); LW17]

1942.09.05 In Merion, PA [1942.09.06,08 (09856)]

1942.09.08 Returns to New York [1942.09.06,08 (09856)]

1942.09.18? Has lunch with B. Jelliffe [1942.09.19? 09862)]

1942.09.19? Has lunch with Hu Shih [1942.09.19? (09862)]

1942.10.07 Plans to meet Richard Welling [1942.10.06 (13627)]

1942.10.08 Tribute read at memorial service for Tufts, University of Chicago, Joseph Bond Chapel, "Tribute to James Hayden Tufts" [LW15]

1942.10.31 "Endorsement of Dean Alfange" published [LW17]

1942.11.01 Charter member of American Society for Aesthetics [San Diego State University, American Society for Aesthetics Collection]

1942.11.09 Enters New York Hospital, prostate [1942.11.07 (04482); 1942.11.07 (13878)]

1942.12.09 Still in hospital [1942.12.09 (13095)]

1942.12.13 Davis Rich Dewey dies

1942.12.22 "Back home" from hospital [1942.12.22 (14044); 1942.12.22 (13879)]

1943 "The Principles" published [LW15]

1943.01.18 "Go back to the hospital" [1943.01.16 (09429); 1943.01.16 (04486); 1943.01.16 (15247)]

1943.01.20 "Operation is scheduled," "have my final operation this pm." [1943.01.16 (04486); 1943.01.16 (15247); 1943.01.20 (09430)]

1943.01-02 "Anti-Naturalism in Extremis" published [LW15]

1943.02.14 "Expect to go home tomorrow [from hospital]" [1943.02.14 (13098)]

1943.02.** Sponsors National Share Croppers Week [FBI File]

1943.03.** "James Hayden Tufts" published [LW15]

1943.04.21 Leaves New York by train [1943.04.20 (16534); 1943.04.25 (09431)]

1943.04.22 In Miami Beach, Triton Hotel [1943.04.23 (09902)]

1943.05.09 "Several Faults Are Found in Mission to Moscow Film" published [LW15]

1943.05.13 Dinner with Mrs. Ryan [1943.05.14 (09914)]

1943.05.14 Dinner with Thielens in Cocoanut Grove, FL [1943.05.15 (09915)]

1943.05.15 Visits with Mr. Love [1943.05.16 (09916)]

1943.05.20 Accepts invitation to join National Advisory Committee of Workers Defense League [1943.05.20 (13840)]

1943.05.24 Awarded Copernican Citation, 400th anniversary of death of Copernicus [1943.05.29 (09924)]

1943.05.24 "Moscow Film Again Attacked" published [LW15]

1943.05.29-30 Press release for conference on The Scientific Spirit and Democratic Faith, "Statement on Jefferson"; honorary chairman [LW15; Radest, Toward Common Ground, 287]

1943.05.31 Dinner with Thielens [1943.05.31 (09925)]

1943 Member, American Labor Conference on International Affairs [Communist 22 (May 1943): 469-80]

1943.06.04 Engaged passage on "train leaving Saturday June 4th" [1943.06.01 (09927)]

1943.06.06 "Changed my reservation from saturday to monday" [1943.06.03 (09929)]

1943.06.09 In New York; "leaving for N.Y. day after tomorrow" [1943.06.07 (15252)]

1943.06.10 "Valuation Judgments and Immediate Quality" published [LW15]

1943.06.11 Leaves "for a week in Maine" [1943.06.07 (09934)]

1943.06.19 "Further as to Valuation as Judgment" published [LW15]

1943.07.02-09.**? In Montville, NJ, Lake Valhalla [1943.07.02 (09941); 1943.07.16 (13342); 1943.07.25 (13105); 1943.08.18 (13793); 1943.09.08 (14499)]

1943.08.08-? "In the city [New York] for two or three days" [1943.08.13 (15262)]

1943.09.12? Returns to New York [1943.09.06 (09446); 1943.09.08 (14451); 1943.09.08 (15273)]

1943.09.17 In New York, "laid up in bed" [1943.09.17 (15277)]

1943.10.12-19 In New York Hospital [1943.10.12 (15289); 1943.10.19 (13752)]

1943.10.27-11.01 "Im in the hospital," [New York Hospital, 525 E. 68th St.], "got back from the hospital day before yesterday" [1943.10.27 (09448); 1943.10.28 (13337); 1943.11.03 (09449)]

1943.11.**-12.17 In New York Hospital on the East River, "had a very serious operation" [1943.11.26 (09450); 1943.12.11 (06921); 1943.12.12 (09451); 1943.12.16 (14453); 1943.12.16 (15297); 1943.12.17 (09452); 1943.12.17 (13106); 1943.12.19 (14432); 1943.12.29 (13343)]

1944 Writes "Foreword to 'Method'" [LW15]

1944.01.15? Leaves for Miami [1944.01.13 (09453); 1944.01.14 (12112); 1944.01.14 (14050)]

1944.01.19 "Got here [Miami Beach] last evening" [1944.01.20 (15283)]

1944.02.18 In Coral Gables, "staying here for a few days with my relatives, Mr & Mrs Topping" [1944.02.18 (14460)]

1944.02.19 In Key West [1944.02.18 (14460); 1944.02.18 (14170)]

1944.03.19 Flying from Key West to Miami [1944.02.18 (14460); 1944.03.19 (15313)]

1944.03.20-22 Addresses Winter Institute of Arts and Sciences, University of Miami, Coral Gables, "Between Two Worlds," "Monday lecture in the evening, the two conferences in the late afternoon" [1944.01.25 (14458); LW17]

1944.03.20-27 "Message to the Teachers of Per™" published [LW15]

1944.03.23-24? Back in Key West [1944.03.19 (15313)]

1944.04.25 In Key West [1944.04.25? (13116)]

1944 Joins Liberal Party of New York

1944 Council for a Democratic Germany, organizer [New Leader 27 (6 May 1944): 19; Politics, June 1944, 132-33]

1944.05.03 Leaves Key West [1944.04.29 (14508)]

1944.05.06 Returns to New York [1944.05.08 (15329); 1944.05.10 (13117)]

1944.05.25 "By Nature and by Art" published [LW15]

1944.05.27 Address read by Jerome Nathanson before Conference on The Scientific Spirit and Democratic Faith, Ethical Culture School, New York, "The Democratic Faith and Education" [LW15]

1944.06.** "The Democratic Faith and Education" published [LW15]

1944 Summer, "The Penning-in of Natural Science" published [LW15]

1944.07.22 "Just leaving for a 'vacation'" [1944.07.22 (13303)]

1944.07.24 In Chatham, MA [1944.07.24 (16644)]

1944.08.17 "Some Questions about Value" published [LW15]

1944.08.** "Challenge to Liberal Thought" published [LW15]

1944.08.20-27 Still in Chatham, MA [1944.08.20 (14959); 1944.08.27 (13120); 1944.08.28 (13121)]

1944.09.05 "Got back last nightî to New York from Chatham [1944.09.06 (15368)]

1944.10.04 In Washington [1944.10.03 (15383); 1944.10.11 (14057)]

1944.10.06? In Merion, PA [1944.10.11 (14057)]

1944.10.10 "Got back yesterday" to New York [1944.10.11 (14057)]

1944.10.14 "John Dewey on the Theory of Economic Progress" published [LW15]

1944.10.19 Interview in New York Times, "John Dewey, at 85, Defends Doctrines" [New York Times, 20 October 1944, 32]

1944.10.23 National Educators for Roosevelt Committee [Daily Worker, 23 October 1944, 2]

1944.10.** "The Problem of the Liberal Arts College" published [LW15]

1944.11.04 "John Dewey Hails the Liberal Party" published [LW15]

1944.11.08-15? "Have to go back to NY. Hospital . . . tomorrow"; "return to 1 W 89 tomorrow" [1944.11.07 (14483); 1944.11.15 (13685)]

1944.12.06 Leaving for Florida [1944.11.28 (09459); 1944.12.03 (14056, 15087)]

1944.12.06 In Miami for "a week" [1944.11.28 (09459); 1944.12.03 (15087)]

1944.12.09 "Shall be at K. W. after the 9th" [1944.12.04 (15088)]

1944.12.15 In Key West [1944.11.28 (09459); 1944.12.15 (15163)]

1944 Listed as an "Initiating Sponsor" of Independent Citizens' Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions [Worker, 24 December 1944, 14]

1945 "Democratic versus Coercive International Organization" published [LW15]

1945.02.10 Evelyn and Jane leave Key West [1945.02.11 (12372)]

1945.02.10 Moved from 630 Dey St. to 504 South St. [1945.02.11 (15409)]

1945.03.** "Dewey vs. Meiklejohn" and "Rejoinder to Meiklejohn" published [LW15]

1945.03.01 "Went to hospital Thursday for a treatment" [1945.03.03 (15414)]

1945.03.17? "Another day at the local hospital getting another series of penicillin shots" [1945.03.18 (15420)]

1945.03.23-24? Leaving Key West "by car" [1945.03.20 (13146)]

1945.04.05 "Going to the hospital tomorrow for a checkup" [1945.04.04 (15422)]

1945.04.25 Still in Key West [1945.04.25 (15430)]

1945 Sponsor of American Labor Archive and Research Institute [New Leader 28 (28 April 1945): 14]

1945.05.01 "Leaving here May first for N Y" [1945.04.21 (15429)]

1945.05.06 In New York [1945.05.06 (13364)]

1945.05.27 "Going to NY Hospital this pm" [1945.05.27 (15453)]

1945.06.03 "Shall go back home from hospital tomorrow" [1945.06.02 (15454); 1945.06.04 (15456)]

1945.06.03 Visits with Dr. W. Houston [1945.06.05 (15457)]

1945.06.28 In New York [1945.06.28 (13127)]

1945.07.14-08.17 "Going to Montauk (NY) tomorrow" [1945.07.13 (15484); 1945.07.29 (13129); 1945.08.03 (13130); 1945.08.05 (13377); 1945.08.15 (15498)]

1945.08.20 Back in New York [1945.08.20 (15499)]

1945 Autumn, "The Revolt against Science" published [LW15]

1945.09.13 "Are Naturalists Materialists?" published [LW15]

1945.10.11? Moving to 1158 5th Ave. [1945.10.11 (14060)]

1945.11.22 "Dualism and the Split Atom" published [LW15]

1945.12.20 "Ethical Subject-Matter and Language" published [LW15]

1946 "Prefatory Note to Problems of Men" and "Introduction to Problems of Men" published [LW15]

1946 "Foreword to Education in the British West Indies" published [LW15]

1946 "Emily Green Balch" published [LW17]

1946.01.05 Leaves for Florida by car [1946.01.03 (14946); 1946.01.03 (16813)]

1946.01.09 Arrives in Key West [1946.01.11 (15540)]

1946.01.23 In Key West [1946.01.23 (13144)]

1946.02.14 "Peirce's Theory of Linguistic Signs, Thought, and Meaning" published [LW15]

1946.03.** "The Crisis in Human History" published [LW15]

1946.03.31 Returns to New York by car [1946.03.20 (13146); 1946.04.01 (13636); 1946.04.01 (09439); 1946.04.02 (15567);1946.04.08 (13396)]

1946 Spring, "Comment on Sidney Hook's Education for Modern Man," published [LW15]

1946.05.04? Attends National Education Committee conference [New York Times, 5 May 1946, 7]

1946.05.** "In the hospital for 3 weeks" [1946.05.30 (13724)]

1946.05.09 "Rejoinder to Charles W. Morris" published [LW15]

1946.05.30 Home from hospital [1946.05.30 (13724)]

1946 Fall, promotes Emily Greene Balch for Nobel Peace Prize [LW17]

1946.07.08 Leaves for Hubbards with Roberta Lowitz Grant [1946.07.02 (13729)]

1946.07.15 "Arrived here [Hubbards] day before yesterday" [1946.07.17 (13724)]

1946.08.16 Drives through Cape Breton [1946.08.15 (13150)]

1946.08? In Halifax a few days [1946.09.07 (13151)]

1946.08.23 "Expect[s] to leave here" [Hubbards] [1946.08.19 (15605)]

1946.09.05 Honorary Doctor of Science degree, University of Pennsylvania [1946.06.12 (04529); 1946.06.13 (04530); Science, 13 September 1946]

1946.09.21 "Slipped . . . and dislocated my left shoulder" [1946.10.01 (15611)]

1946.09.30 "Got back yesterday" to NY after returning from Cape Breton [1946.09.01 (15606)]

1946.11.06 Visits Adelbert Ames's demonstrations in New York [1946.11.04 (15620); 1946.11.08 (15621)]

1946.11.13 Interview by Adelbert Ames and Hadley Cantril, held at 270 Park Ave., New York [Dartmouth Eye Institute Papers]

1946.12.11 Marries Roberta Lowitz Grant (b. 1904 in Oil City, PA) in Dewey's apartment at 1158 Fifth Ave., Jerome Nathanson officiates, 11:10 a.m. [New York Times, 12 December 1946, 31]

1946.12.11 Leaves for Miami [1946.12.10 (14064)]

1946.12.20 In Key West [1946.12.22 (13155); 1946.12.21 (15634)]

1946.12.24 Initiating sponsor of Independent Citizens' Committee of the Arts, Sciences and Professions [Daily Worker, 24 December 1944, 14]

1946 Tresca Memorial Committee [New Leader 29 (28 December 1946): 1]

1946 Ph.D., Oslo University [Who Was Who in America, vol. III, 1951-1960]

1947 Member, Committee Against Mass Expulsion (from Eastern Germany) [pamphlet dated 1947]

1947 Roosevelt Committee for the Arts and Sciences [Bullert, 196, 202]

1947 "Foreword to Education for What Is Real" published [LW15]

1947 "Introduction to The Way beyond 'Art'--The Work of Herbert Bayer" published [LW15]

1947 "Comment on I Want to Be Like Stalin" published [LW15]

1947.01.08 In Key West [1947.01.08 (13740)]

1947.02.20 Goes to Miami Beach; John, Jr., ill [1947.03.05 (14067)]

1947.03.** "Implications of S. 2499" published [LW15]

1947.03.** "Comment on Bell and Polanyi" published [LW15]

1947.03.05 "Still in Miami Beach" [1947.03.05 (15640)]

1947.03.06? In Key West "till some time in April" [1947.03.04 (13346); 1947.03.05 (14067)]

1947.03.08 "Comment on `Religion at Harvard'" published [LW17]

1947.04.15-16 "Just leaving for NY--by car" [1947.04.14 (13537); 1947.04.14 (14068)]

1947.04.26 "Only just returned" to New York [1947.04.26 (14776)]

1947.05.06 Dewey's message read at retirement banquet for Max C. Otto

1947.05.? "Have to go to Pittsburgh" [1947.05.20 (13540)]

1947.05.29 Dewey listed as member of "Committee of 100," Dedicated to the Creation of an America of Justice and Equality for Our Negro Fellow Citizens [1947.05.29 (18753)]

1947.07.01-14? J. Ratner has "seen JD twice in past 2 weeks" [1947.07.14 (18771)]

1947.07.12 "George Seldes and 'Fact'" published [LW15]

1947.07.21? Probably going to Hubbards, Nova Scotia, "in a day or two" [1947.07.19 (14069); 1947.07.19 (14598)]

1947.07.29 Arrives in Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1947.07.30 (15637)]

1947.08.16 "Spending a few weeks here [Hubbards]" [1947.08.16 (13317)]

1947.08.25 Still in Hubbards, Nova Scotia, "be back in NY City early next week" [1947.08.25 (13348)]

1947.09.01 "Got back [New York] Monday evening last" [1947.09.03 (13318)]

1947.09.** Spends afternoon and evening with Una B. Sait [1959.06.30 (16735)]

1947.09.13 "Behind the Iron Bars," review of David J. Dallin and Boris I. Nicolaevsky's Forced Labor in Soviet Russia, published [LW15]

1947.10.** "Liberating the Social Scientist" published [LW15]

1947.10.25? Leaving for New Alexandria, PA [1947.10.22 (13165); 1947.10.23 (07250)]

1947.10.31 Returns to New York [1947.11.02 (13320)]

1947.11.** Participates in Columbia University Kilpatrick Award ceremony [New York Times, 11 November 1947, 23]

1947.11.11 Visits with G. Hullfish [1947.11.18 (14522)]

1947.11.13 Addresses Graduate Department of Philosophy, Columbia University, "The Future of Philosophy" [LW17]

1947 Winter, "Man and Mathematics" published [LW15]

1947.12.10 Luncheon at St. Regis Hotel for Roberta and JD hosted by Dr. and Mrs. Ludd Spivey [1947.12.11 (10627); New York Tribune, 10 December 1947]

1947.12.23 "Expect to leave (by car) for Fla on Tues or Wed"; "JD left for Key West on Tues. last" [1947.12.21 (15680); 1947.12.17 (18813)]

1947.12.26 "Just leaving by boat for Fla" (Key West) [1947.12.26 (13554)]

1947.12.27 "Henry Wallace and the 1948 Elections" published [LW15]

1948 "Foreword to The Unfolding of Artistic Activity" published [LW15]

1948 "Appreciation of the Rand School" published [LW15]

1948.01.** "William James' Morals and Julien Benda's" published [LW15]

1948.01.** "Boyd H. Bode: An Appreciation" published [LW15]

1948.02.22-26 In Miami Beach [1948.02.22 (15115); 1948.02.25 (15180)]

1948.03.01 In Key West [1948.03.01 (15685)]

1948.03.** "A Comment on the Foregoing Criticisms" published [LW15]

1948.04.** "I am an honorary member of the Rationalist Press Association" [1948.04.25 (13173)]

1948.04.17 Leaves Florida for New York; "have to stop on way" [1948.04.16 (13172)]

1948.04.18 "Have got this far [Miami?]" [1948.04.18 (15693)]

1948.04.24? "Am back [New York]" [1948.04.21 (15694)]

1948.06.** New School for Social Research honorary degree [New York Times, 2 June 1948, 14]

1948.06.20 In hospital [1948.07.09 (14352); 1948.07.10 (13766)]

1948.07.08 "Got back from hospital," tonsillectomy [1948.07.09 (14352); 1948.07.11 (13176); 1948.07.29 (13177); 1948.07.08 (15708)]

1948.07.15 Leaves for Hubbards, Nova Scotia [1948.07.11 (13176)]

1948.07-08? Adopts Adrienne and John?

1948.07.31 In Hubbards, Nova Scotia; Adrienne and John at camp [1948.07.31 (13801)]

1948.08.14 Paper read by Sidney Hook at Tenth International Congress of Philosophy, Amsterdam, "Has Philosophy a Future?" [LW16]

1948.09.** "We shall be back in early Sept" [1948.07.31 (13801)]

1948.09.03 "In [Hubbards] Nova Scotia & only returned [New York] yesterday" [1948.09.04 (15015); 1948.09.04 (15711)]

1948.09.30 "Got back [New York] last Thursday from a short stay outside" [1948.10.05 (14624)]

1948.10.** "American Youth, Beware of Wallace Bearing Gifts" published [LW15]

1948.10.24 At Maple Lodge, PA [1948.10.26 (15046)]

1948.10.24 Back in New York [1948.10.26 (15046)]

1948.11.** "Commentary and Liberalism" published [LW15]

1948.11.** Honorary chairman, International Rescue and Relief Committee [1948.11.22 (07240)]

1948.12.29 Leaves for Miami and Key West [1948.12.22 (10866); 1948.12.23 (15723); 1948.12.25 (14745); 1948.12.29 (10865)]

1949 Knowing and the Known published [LW16]

1949 "Religion and Morality in a Free Society" published [LW15]

1949 "The Field of 'Value'" published [LW16]

1949 "Has Philosophy a Future?" published [LW16]

1949 "Foreword to Evolution and the Founders of Pragmatism" published [LW17]

1949 Iron Curtain Refugee Campaign Committee [Bullert, 199]

1949.01.02? In Key West [1949.02.01 (13324)]

1949.02.02 Leaves Key West for Montego Bay, Jamaica, via Miami [1949.02.01 (13324)]

1949.03.22 In Montego Bay, Jamaica; "our lease here is up the 31st March-- We may go to another place on the Island for a week or two in April" [1949.03.22 (13804)]

1949 Committee of Sponsors, Common Council for American Unity [1949.04.04 (15121)]

1949.04.04 Still in Jamaica; "moved here [Columbus Inn, Discovery Bay] a few days ago" [1949.04.04 (15741)]

1949.04.09 In Key West? [1949.04.09 (15047)]

1949.04.22 "We shall take the plane [from Jamaica] to Miami on Friday" [1949.04.18 (15745)]

1949.04.24 "Have returned" to New York [1949.04.27 (13515)]

1949.05.18 Receives award from Abraham Lincoln High School, New York; JD ill, accepted by Roberta [New York Times, 20 May 1949, 24; ibid., 21 May 1949, 12; 1949.05.18 (14291); 1949.06.07 (10950)]

1949.05.24 In hospital for blood transfusion [1949.05.27 (10942)]

1949.06.** "Experience and Existence: A Comment" published [LW16]

1949.06.11 Cruise to Halifax, on SS York [1949.06.11 (09473); 1949.06.11 (13577); 1949.06.11 (14632); 1949.06.13 (10957)]

1949.06.17 Returns to New York [1949.06.18 (14633)]

1949.06.21 "Communists as Teachers" published [LW17]

1949.06.24 "Leaving tomorrow am for New Alexandria" [1949.06.20 (10963); 1949.06.23 (13182)]

1949.07.08 In New Alexandria, PA [1949.07.08 (10982); 1949.07.26 (11009)]

1949.08.03 "Spending the summer" at Maple Lodge in New Alexandria, PA [1949.08.03 (09474)]

1949.08.24 Statement read for Dewey at Milwaukee, WI, "Message to the American Federation of Teachers" [New York Times, 25 August 1949, 3; LW17]

1949.09.** Interview with Dr. Richard Hope and Mr. William S. Tacey of University of Pittsburgh [Pitt, no. 40 (Spring 1950): 19; 1950.09.** (15095)]

1949.09.25 Still in New Alexandria, PA; leaving for New York [1949.09.25 (09475)]

1949.09.25 "We got back yesterday [New York]" [1949.09.26 (15784)]

1949.10.** Interview with Benjamin Fine, "John Dewey, at 90, Reiterates His Belief That Good Schools Are Essential in a Democracy" [New York Times, 16 October 1949, 9]

1949.10.14 Interview with Lester Grant, "John Dewey, at 90, Finds Tension of World May Result in Good" [New York Herald Tribune, 15 October 1949, 7]

1949.10.20 Attends 90th birthday banquet, Commodore Hotel, New York, "John Dewey Responds" [LW17]

1949.10.21 Statement read for Dewey at Conference on Education and Philosophy, University of Illinois, "Greetings to the Urbana Conference" [LW17]

1949.10.25 "Leaving by train Tuesday night arriving in Burlington" [1949.10.17 (13657); 1949.10.25 (15791)]

1949.10.26 Attends homecoming, University of Vermont [1949.10.27 (15068); 1949.10.28 (15069); 1949.11.06 (14353)]

1949.10.** "Philosophy's Future in Our Scientific Age" published [LW16]

1949.11.** Contributing editor, New Leader [1949.11.** (14473)]

1949.11.20 Honorary chairman of committee of lay persons to support the repeal of the Feinberg law [New York Herald Tribune, 20 November 1949]

1949.11.30 Entertains Mr. and Mrs. E. Lyman for dinner [1949.11.28 (15074); 1949.12.07 (15075)]

1949.12.18 Addresses Alvin Johnson's seventy-fifth birthday celebration, New School for Social Research, New York [1949.11.23 (13808)]

1949.12.26 "Alvin Johnson" published [LW17]

1950 "John Dewey Responds" published [LW17]

1950 "Greetings to the Urbana Conference" published [LW17]

1950 Honorary president, League for Industrial Democracy

1950.01.30 "Leaving by plane next Monday" for Florida [1950.01.27 (14117); 1950.01.27 (15050)]

1950.02.08 Arrives in Key West, "just arrived here today" [1950.02.08 (12035)]

1950.02.** "Contribution to 'Religion and the Intellectuals'" published [LW16]

1950.03.30 Still in Key West, "flue is better" [1950.03.30 (07303)]

1950.04.20 Still in Key West, "down with a virus attack worse than before" [1950.04.20 (07315)]

1950.04.25 Returns to New York from Key West [1950.05.10 (14080)]

1950.05.01 In New York [1950.05.01 (07319)]

1950.05.25 Invited to receive award from American Unitarian Association in Boston [1950.03.21 (12063)]

1950.05.26 Meets with Devere Allen [1950.05.23 (17125); 1950.05.29 (17126)]

1950.06.06 Writes testimonial to Frank C. Becker [LW17]

1950.06.09 Visits with Robert Rothman [1950.06.23 (12146)]

1950.06.11 "Leave here Sunday the 11th" for Pennsylvania [1950.06.08 (15867)]

1950.06.12 In Bryn Mawr Hospital; tests at hospital [1950.06.10 (13796); 1950.06.12 (13198)]

1950.06.22-23 In Philadelphia [1950.06.22 (07329); 1950.06.23 (07331)]

1950.06.24 In New York [1950.06.26 (15053)]

1950.06.27 "Leaving for the summer place in Penn." [1950.06.25 (12143)]

1950.06.27 In New Alexandria, PA, "stopped in Phia several days to have some dentist work done, so we only got here tuesday" [1950.06.29 (07332); 1950.07.02 (13814)]

1950.07.30-08.02 In Mercy Hospital; discharge diagnosis: arteriosclerotic heart disease [1950.08.02 (12177)]

1950.08.04 In New Alexandria, PA [1950.08.04 (13199); 1950.08.04 (15150)]

1950.08.28? In Pittsburgh "for the day" [1950.09.02 (12216)]

1950.09.11 Pays membership in Humanist Club at Columbia University, "first dues-paying member" [Pique 2 (Summer 1990): 2; Smith, "Dewey on the Humanist Movement"]

1950.09.14 Still in New Alexandria, PA, "shall be returning most any day now" [1950.09.14 (07346); 1950.09.15 (13517)]

1950.09.** "Aesthetic Experience as a Primary Phase and as an Artistic Development" published [LW16]

1950.10.** Listed as sponsor of American Council for the Community [1946.10.09 (13642)]

1950.10.18 In New York [1950.10.18 (09482)]

1950.11.01 Meets with Albert Barnes in New York [1950.11.06 (14970)]

1950.11.19 "Mr. Acheson's Critics" published [LW17]

1950.11.15 Resigns as honorary president, National Council Against Conscription [1950.11.16 (12351)]

1951 "Contribution to Democracy in a World of Tensions" published [LW16]

1951 "Introduction to William Heard Kilpatrick: Trail Blazer in Education" published [LW17]

1951.01.06-07 Apparently still in New York, "leaving (plane to S.F. tonight)î; bill from physician for house call [1951.01.02 (13647); 1951.01.06 (12473)]

1951.01.08-13? "Stayed a while in Santa Monica" [1951.01.18 (15892)]

1951.01.13 "Sail from San Francisco to Manila on the 13th," SS President Wilson [1951.02.02 (15890)]

1951.01.18 "Got here [Honolulu] this am"; visits with Cloptons [1951.01.18 (15892); 1951.01.25 (12454); Lyle Nelson, Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 18 January 1951]

1951.02.26 Leaves for Los Angeles by ship [1951.02.23 (14091)]

1951.03.15 Honorary life membership in American Association of School Administrators [1951.04.23 (12527)]

1951.03.16 In Los Angeles, CA, Hospital of the Good Samaritan; has hernia operation [1951.03.16 (16145); 1931.03.16 (17316); 1951.03.17 (14530); 1951.03.30 (12508)]

1951.03.30 In Tucson, AZ [1951.03.30 (12508)]

1951.04.** "Convalescing from an operation" [1951.04.16 (12543)]

1951.04.** "On Philosophical Synthesis" published [LW17]

1951.05.10 Starts traction [1951.05.09 (12647)]

1951.05.18 Still in Tucson [1951.05.18 (07445)]

1951.05.18? "Returned to New York City about the middle of May" [1951.05.11 (14727); 1951.07.13 (12679)]

1951.05.** In New York Hospital "for a complete check up" [1951.06.02 (12643); 1951.07.13 (12679)]

1951.06.** Back in New York; Adrienne has returned to school [1951.06.02 (12643)]

1951.06.11 Honorary Doctor of Letters degree, Yale University, JD attends [New York Times, 12 June 1951, 1, 24; San Francisco Chronicle, 13 June 1951; 1951.04.27 (12596); 1951.06.06 (12657)]

1951.06.23-08.03 In New Alexandria, PA [1951.06.23 (12667); 1951.07.20 (12699); 1951.08.03 (14092)]

1951.07.** Honorary chairman of CongrÈs pour la LibertÈ de la Culture [1951.07.16 (12684)]

1951.08.04 Attends meeting with Roberta Dewey, Paul Wilson, and Colby Stilson re American Glass Co. [1951.08.01 (12742); 1951.08.09 (12760)]

1951.08.** Accepts appointment to serve on Committee of Sponsors for Henry George Congress [1951.08.02 (12746)]

1951.10.26 Doctor "honoris causa" conferred by Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the University of Rome [1951.10.26 (12810)]

1951.11.25 Fractures left hip [1952.10.15 (16314)]

1951.11.26 Admitted to Doctors Hospital by Dr. Alvin C. Drummond [1952.10.15 (16314)]

1952 "Modern Philosophy" published [LW16]

1952 "Preface to Japanese Translation of Democracy and Education" published [LW17]

1952 Honorary member of Governing Board at National College of Education, Evanston, IL, "for several years" [1952.06.27 (16221)]

1952 National Council, Pestalozzi Foundation of America [1952.06.02 (15994)]

1952 Advisory Committee, Committee of Racial Equality [1952.06.06 (16091)]

1952 Member, Americans for Democratic Action, East Side Branch [1952.06.18 (16210)]

1952 Vice-president, Ethical Union [1952.11.06 (16318)]

1952.02.04 Leaves hospital [1952.10.15 (16314)]

1952.05.03 Elected honorary vice-chairman of State Committee of the Liberal Party of the State of New York

1952.06.01 John Dewey dies of pneumonia; cremated, ashes at University of Vermont [1952.06.01 (09541)]

1952.06.02 John Dewey cremated, Fresh Pond Crematory, Middle Village, Queens, NY [1952.06.01 (09541)]

1952.06.04 Memorial service at Community Church of New York, 40 E. 35th St., Reverend Donald Harrington, address by Max C. Otto

1953 "Introduction to Selected Poems of Claude McKay" published [LW17]

1957.04.01 John Dewey Society of Japan started at the Gakushi Kaikan, Kanda, Tokyo; Roberta, Adrienne (age 17), and John (age 14) attend

1965.03.12 Evelyn Dewey Smith dies in Kirksville, MO

1967.07.28 Frederick Archibald Dewey dies

1970.05.06 Roberta Dewey dies (subdural hematoma) in Miami Beach, St. Francis Hospital [San Francisco Chronicle, 7 May 1970, 39; New York Times, 8 May 1970, 31; Dykhuizen, 322]

1971.05.08 Postage stamp honoring Dewey issued by Grenada [A Chronology of Noteworthy Events in American Psychology, 301]

1972.10.26 Program commemorating interment of ashes of John and Roberta Dewey at University of Vermont [Dykhuizen, 322]

1973.03.22 Sabino L. Dewey dies

1983.05.17 Lucy Dewey Brandauer dies

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