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Getting Started   


Play Video

   Basic Navigation
   Control Popup
   Parental Control
   Turn on Self-Cleanup
   Reading Tool
   Collection Tool
   Gather Information
   Listen to the Music
   Play Video
   Create Slide Show
   Download Images
   Download Media Files





Use Audio/Video Mode

  1. Open the Playlist - From View Menu select Play List or click on Show/Hide Playlist button

  2. Change Playlist to AUDIO/VIDEO MODE - Use the Change Collection Mode button

  3. Add Video File to the Playlist. There are a few ways to add file to the playlist, you can drag and drop from Windows Explorer or use buttons provided in Playlist Control Tool Bar. Use Add Audio/Video Files From Links on Page button to add internet files, Add Audio/Video Files from CD or Local or Network Drive button for selecting a single file or some selected files, Add all Audio/Video Files from CD or Local or Network Folder button to add all files in a CD or a folder.

  4. Select options for Playing (Single, Repeat, Shuffle) from Media Menu

Figure 1

  1. Click on Play Button on Media Control Bar to start to play at the selected movie on the Playlist

Figure 2


Note: If this is the first time you clicked on the Play button, the movie will be played in the active window. If you have more than one tab displayed on the screen, you need to activate the tab you want the movie to play on, you can activate a tab by click any where in the tab window. 




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