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Getting Started   


Create Slide Show

   Basic Navigation
   Control Popup
   Parental Control
   Turn on Self-Cleanup
   Reading Tool
   Collection Tool
   Gather Information
   Listen to the Music
   Play Video
   Create Slide Show
   Download Images
   Download Media Files





Use Slide Show Mode

With E2, you can view images, web pages or groups of images sequential on screen as a slide show. Images can  be from different sources as local, network, or internet. The steps below will help you to create a slide show:


  1. Open the Playlist - From View Menu select Play List or click on Show/Hide Playlist button

  2. Change Playlist to SLIDE SHOW MODE - Use the Change Collection Mode button

  3. Add Files to the Playlist - Use buttons in the Playlist Control Toolbar to add files. You can also drag and drop image files from Windows Explorer directly into the Playlist.

  4. Modify Playlist if needed with Playlist Edit Bar

B. Set Delay Time

Adjust delay time (default setting is 1 second) - use timer in Multimedia Control Bar. In E2, delay time does not count the loading time (or download time)

C. Start the Show

  1. Click on the Play button in Multimedia Control Bar

  2. Close Playlist if you need more space for the display.

To view a group of images - Open Media Menu (Figure 1) - under Slide Show Options - select View By Set and then View Set of ....

Figure 1




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